Management of Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome
Management of Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome
In summary, nutritional management of FPIES requires the identification of the offending allergen followed by appropriate avoidance and use of substitute food. Of particular importance is advice to breastfeeding mothers, choice of formula and weaning guidance. The nutritional status and dietary intake should be monitored and advice on added protein, kcal and micronutrients should be provided when required. It is important to regularly consider the resolution of FPIES in order to reintroduce the food into the diet, but this decision should be made in discussion with the overseeing physician.
In summary, nutritional management of FPIES requires the identification of the offending allergen followed by appropriate avoidance and use of substitute food. Of particular importance is advice to breastfeeding mothers, choice of formula and weaning guidance. The nutritional status and dietary intake should be monitored and advice on added protein, kcal and micronutrients should be provided when required. It is important to regularly consider the resolution of FPIES in order to reintroduce the food into the diet, but this decision should be made in discussion with the overseeing physician.