Trying Out a Gluten Free Diet
By definition, gluten is the protein contained in wheat, rye, and barley.
Actually it is a mixture of two types of proteins - prolarmines and glutelins.
Gluten is found in some types of food grains.
Not many people know that gluten can be the cause for several health problems.
Celiac disease is probably the most common gluten-related disease.
Other health problems associated with gluten are different types of allergies and skin problems like psoriasis.
A gluten rich diet that mainly consists of carbohydrates found in bread, pizza, cakes etc.
can lead to diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome etc.
Leaky gut syndrome is often linked to gluten intake.
This is essentially an inflammatory reaction which produces symptoms like pain, allergies, skin problems and drowsiness.
Gluten can also affect the functioning of the thyroid gland by slowing it down.
You can avoid these health issues caused by gluten by simply avoiding gluten-rich foods.
However, the main cause for concern is which of these foods are actually gluten free.
Vegetables like pumpkin, spinach, green beans, lettuce, carrots, corn, eggplant, avocado, broccoli, onions, parsley, peas, artichokes, asparagus, cucumber, mushrooms and peppers do not contain gluten.
Fruits free from gluten include cherries, apricots, papayas, watermelons, kiwis, apples, lemons, limes, currants, dates, cranberries, raspberries, mandarins, oranges, mangoes, figs, grapes, passion fruits, strawberries, pears, plums, bananas and blackberries.
Meat and poultry do not contain gluten.
So you can safely eat beef, chicken, duck, pork, rabbi, veal, turkey or any other meat.
Most dairy products are free of gluten except bleu cheese.
This means eggs, yoghurt, milk, butter and cheese are all free of gluten.
Food grains are one of the main offenders when it comes to being gluten rich.
This is why you need to choose these with care.
Those grains and seeds which are free from gluten include brown rice, corn flour, corn meal, quinoa soy flour, almond meal, potato flour, rice flour, flaxseed, amaranth and polenta.
Some alcoholic beverages do contain gluten so be careful while selecting what to drink.
Gluten free drinks include cider, wine, champagne, rum, tequila, brandy, sherry, whiskey and port.
In reality is it close to impossible to have a diet that is completely gluten free.
However, by being aware of which foods contain gluten and which ones are gluten rich you can make the right choices and work towards a close to gluten free diet.
Apart from natural gluten free products, nowadays you can also find gluten free food products that have been specially manufactured.
Actually it is a mixture of two types of proteins - prolarmines and glutelins.
Gluten is found in some types of food grains.
Not many people know that gluten can be the cause for several health problems.
Celiac disease is probably the most common gluten-related disease.
Other health problems associated with gluten are different types of allergies and skin problems like psoriasis.
A gluten rich diet that mainly consists of carbohydrates found in bread, pizza, cakes etc.
can lead to diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome etc.
Leaky gut syndrome is often linked to gluten intake.
This is essentially an inflammatory reaction which produces symptoms like pain, allergies, skin problems and drowsiness.
Gluten can also affect the functioning of the thyroid gland by slowing it down.
You can avoid these health issues caused by gluten by simply avoiding gluten-rich foods.
However, the main cause for concern is which of these foods are actually gluten free.
Vegetables like pumpkin, spinach, green beans, lettuce, carrots, corn, eggplant, avocado, broccoli, onions, parsley, peas, artichokes, asparagus, cucumber, mushrooms and peppers do not contain gluten.
Fruits free from gluten include cherries, apricots, papayas, watermelons, kiwis, apples, lemons, limes, currants, dates, cranberries, raspberries, mandarins, oranges, mangoes, figs, grapes, passion fruits, strawberries, pears, plums, bananas and blackberries.
Meat and poultry do not contain gluten.
So you can safely eat beef, chicken, duck, pork, rabbi, veal, turkey or any other meat.
Most dairy products are free of gluten except bleu cheese.
This means eggs, yoghurt, milk, butter and cheese are all free of gluten.
Food grains are one of the main offenders when it comes to being gluten rich.
This is why you need to choose these with care.
Those grains and seeds which are free from gluten include brown rice, corn flour, corn meal, quinoa soy flour, almond meal, potato flour, rice flour, flaxseed, amaranth and polenta.
Some alcoholic beverages do contain gluten so be careful while selecting what to drink.
Gluten free drinks include cider, wine, champagne, rum, tequila, brandy, sherry, whiskey and port.
In reality is it close to impossible to have a diet that is completely gluten free.
However, by being aware of which foods contain gluten and which ones are gluten rich you can make the right choices and work towards a close to gluten free diet.
Apart from natural gluten free products, nowadays you can also find gluten free food products that have been specially manufactured.