Does Your Cheating Husband Really Want to Leave?
Women often make the same mistake when they learn they have a cheating husband on their hands. You believe that your cheating husband cheats because he's unhappy and wants to leave. This is usually not the case at all. He doesn't want to leave or he would simply choose to leave and deal with all that entails.
There may be elements of your marriage that he doesn't like but the odds are in your favor that he isn't interested in leaving you for the other woman. Usually there is just one thing the other woman offers that he isn't getting at home. Unfortunately, it's something he needs enough that all thoughts of fidelity, wedding vows, and loyalty go completely out of his head.
Why is Your Cheating Husband Cheating?
But what is it that he wants with the other woman? What is so powerful to him that he'd risk a marriage that he is - at the very least content if not - happy with in order to cheat? The answer is shockingly simple.
Think back to when you were first dating. Remember what it was like when you could listen to him talk for hours? You laughed at all his corny jokes (even if you were groaning on the inside). You hung on his every word. You adored him completely and he basked in that adoration.
Fast forward to the wedding plans when the focus shifted from him to wedding gowns, China patterns, and seating arrangements. This was the beginning of his discontent and may very well be the reason the bachelor party was invented. One last blast filled with girls who were all too willing to be adoring for an evening while he waits to walk down the aisle and trade his vows with you.
After a few more years, little ones came along and the focus of your adoration once again shifted from him to someone else. It isn't that he resents the little ones or doesn't love the children. It's a matter of the fact that by the time you've finished taking care of the kiddos for the day you're too tired to show him the adoration he's come to expect and that, deep down inside, he needs from you.
What does the Other Woman Offer?
The problem is that the other woman is all too willing to lavish that adoration upon him. She piles flattery on top of profuse flattery and makes him feel like the most handsome, most successful, and smartest man on the planet. She strokes his ego in ways you've been too tired to even think about and he gets caught up in the moment and forgets everything else.
Don't let this destroy your marriage. Don't feel like you've already lost him to that other woman. Stop his cheating in its tracks and get your husband back today.
There may be elements of your marriage that he doesn't like but the odds are in your favor that he isn't interested in leaving you for the other woman. Usually there is just one thing the other woman offers that he isn't getting at home. Unfortunately, it's something he needs enough that all thoughts of fidelity, wedding vows, and loyalty go completely out of his head.
Why is Your Cheating Husband Cheating?
But what is it that he wants with the other woman? What is so powerful to him that he'd risk a marriage that he is - at the very least content if not - happy with in order to cheat? The answer is shockingly simple.
Think back to when you were first dating. Remember what it was like when you could listen to him talk for hours? You laughed at all his corny jokes (even if you were groaning on the inside). You hung on his every word. You adored him completely and he basked in that adoration.
Fast forward to the wedding plans when the focus shifted from him to wedding gowns, China patterns, and seating arrangements. This was the beginning of his discontent and may very well be the reason the bachelor party was invented. One last blast filled with girls who were all too willing to be adoring for an evening while he waits to walk down the aisle and trade his vows with you.
After a few more years, little ones came along and the focus of your adoration once again shifted from him to someone else. It isn't that he resents the little ones or doesn't love the children. It's a matter of the fact that by the time you've finished taking care of the kiddos for the day you're too tired to show him the adoration he's come to expect and that, deep down inside, he needs from you.
What does the Other Woman Offer?
The problem is that the other woman is all too willing to lavish that adoration upon him. She piles flattery on top of profuse flattery and makes him feel like the most handsome, most successful, and smartest man on the planet. She strokes his ego in ways you've been too tired to even think about and he gets caught up in the moment and forgets everything else.
Don't let this destroy your marriage. Don't feel like you've already lost him to that other woman. Stop his cheating in its tracks and get your husband back today.