How to Copy PS3 Games With Ease
With Sony releasing its Ps3 gaming console, the world of gaming has risen to another level.
Never before has such vivid sound, game play and graphics been bundled into one console and delivered to the consumer.
With the advent of technology the processors in these consoles are far superior to that which delivered man to the moon.
Now while all these technology is fantastic there does seem to be one drawback that hasn't seemed to advance in step with the console itself.
That is the way the media is delivered.
Sony has once again chosen to deliver their games in a disk format.
While it does have a lot of positives there are also a number of disadvantages of the disk format, that being that they are quite fragile.
It doesn't take much to scratch a disk and in doing so this can often make the game inoperable which means you have just flushed anywhere from $70-$130 down the toilet.
Luckily all is not lost.
You see thanks to some software geniuses you can in fact learn how to copy ps3 games at the push of a button.
The advantages of this are numerous but the most important advantage is that you can copy ps3 games and then put the original copy away in a safe location.
No longer will you have to worry about scratching your expensive Ps3 disk, you can just use your back up and if you ever end up scratching the backup copy seeing as you know how to copy ps3 games, you can just make yourself another copy before placing the original back into its safe location.
Now you would think that learning how to copy ps3 games would be quite hard but in fact it isn't.
I will even give you a brief rundown of what you need to do.
Firstly you need to put the original game into your PC and make an 'image' of the data that is on the disk.
Next you need to load the special software which will copy ps3 games to your backup disk.
All up it should take you less than an hour for the whole operation which when you think about it is very impressive.
To find out about this impressive software that shows you how to copy ps3 games visit the site below.
By the way did I forget to mention that it will let you backup Xbox 360, Wii, PS2, Xbox, Dreamcast and even GameCube games as well, it is a very versatile and efficient piece of software.
Never before has such vivid sound, game play and graphics been bundled into one console and delivered to the consumer.
With the advent of technology the processors in these consoles are far superior to that which delivered man to the moon.
Now while all these technology is fantastic there does seem to be one drawback that hasn't seemed to advance in step with the console itself.
That is the way the media is delivered.
Sony has once again chosen to deliver their games in a disk format.
While it does have a lot of positives there are also a number of disadvantages of the disk format, that being that they are quite fragile.
It doesn't take much to scratch a disk and in doing so this can often make the game inoperable which means you have just flushed anywhere from $70-$130 down the toilet.
Luckily all is not lost.
You see thanks to some software geniuses you can in fact learn how to copy ps3 games at the push of a button.
The advantages of this are numerous but the most important advantage is that you can copy ps3 games and then put the original copy away in a safe location.
No longer will you have to worry about scratching your expensive Ps3 disk, you can just use your back up and if you ever end up scratching the backup copy seeing as you know how to copy ps3 games, you can just make yourself another copy before placing the original back into its safe location.
Now you would think that learning how to copy ps3 games would be quite hard but in fact it isn't.
I will even give you a brief rundown of what you need to do.
Firstly you need to put the original game into your PC and make an 'image' of the data that is on the disk.
Next you need to load the special software which will copy ps3 games to your backup disk.
All up it should take you less than an hour for the whole operation which when you think about it is very impressive.
To find out about this impressive software that shows you how to copy ps3 games visit the site below.
By the way did I forget to mention that it will let you backup Xbox 360, Wii, PS2, Xbox, Dreamcast and even GameCube games as well, it is a very versatile and efficient piece of software.