What Do I Do When FSSA Calculated My Benefits Wrong?
- Any time the FSSA awards, changes or stops your benefits, you receive a letter in the mail explaining what happened and detailing your new benefit amount. You have 90 days from the date of the letter to appeal a decision regarding SNAP benefits. For other programs, you must appeal within 33 days.
Your appeal must be filed before 13 days from the date of the letter to maintain the same SNAP or TANF benefits during the appeal. Otherwise, the actions detailed in the letter automatically occur and your benefits may be reduced by the effective date on the letter. - Call the Division of Family Resources at (800) 622-4932 to appeal your benefit amount. The DFR also receives requests for appeal in person or by mail. If you believe the calculation error occurred because of discrimination, contact the FSSA immediately by mail.
- Contact your local Division of Family Resources office to discuss your situation as soon as you appeal. The DFR office will schedule a pre-appeal conference where you can discuss your situation. The DFR will also explain why your benefit amount is less than you expected. Sometimes, the DFR recognizes an error at this pre-appeal conference and corrects it. If so, you may withdraw your appeal. If not, the DFR will schedule a hearing to rule on your appeal.
- You may represent yourself at your appeal hearing, or you may appoint someone. Contact Indiana Legal Services if you need a lawyer but cannot afford one.
Present any documentation you can that supports your claim that the FSSA calculated your benefit amount incorrectly. Include any income and financial records you believe may be relevant. - Within 60 days of an appeal hearing for SNAP benefits, and 60 days for other types of benefits, the FSSA will mail you the decision. The letter will detail the facts of the case and specify the action the DFR must take regarding your benefits.
If the ruling states that your benefits should be reduced or stopped and you continued to receive the same benefit amount during the appeal process, you must return the overpayment of benefits.
Appeal Immediately
How to File an Appeal
Pre-appeal Conference
Appeal Hearing