How to Saw a Wood Baseboard
- 1). Cut a roughly 45 degree angle onto the first edge of a piece of baseboard by lining it up next to the wall to which it will be attached. Saw a line roughly straight out from the corner using your coping saw. If cutting for a straight run, just keep in mind that one miter joint will overlap the other, instead of the meeting at the sharp points.
- 2). Line up the piece on the other side of the corner and mark with a pencil where the edge of the board you have already cut lines up with the edge of the new board.
- 3). Saw along the line you have marked and see how the joints match up.
- 4). File and sand the second piece so that it fits snugly and evenly against the edge of the first piece, and also make sure that it fits snugly along the wall without bending.