Tutorial On Approaching Women
Hey you. Yes you! Are you interested in learning how to approach women? Well, are you in a treat or what, as I'm about to give you all my secrets!
So you're living your life right? You go about your day, you might be feeling positive, or you might be in a bad mood, and then it happens... As you're standing in the supermarket aisle... the cutest girl you've seen in weeks passes by you and stands 5 feet from you, looking at some products. She might even go so far as to smile at you as she passes by. What do you do? If you're like most guys, you start making excuses on why you can't approach her.
By the time all of this goes by, she's walked off, and you've missed your chance. You go home, feeling defeated and like a loser because you didn't say anything, blaming yourself and feeling like a loser.
Fear not my man! For I have arrived. What is that's so special about me? Well, I've actually spent almost all my adult life studying the art of approaching women, and even more importantly how to help other guys achieve this feat. Over the years, I've learned to simplify the process, and bring it down to its core essence. I now believe there are just 4 key components to this. Here they are as follows:
Have Fun
I know this sounds all new-age, but its true. If go out to that bar with a bunch of friends who are fun, exciting positive people who like to dance, banter, joke around, what will happens is that you will be so busy partying and jumping around that you don't have time for doubt.
So yes, it sounds all new-age and woo-woo, I realize this... But it does work as simply as that! You just walk up there, and say hi to her. Why? Because that's what you've been doing all night! You don't even think about it. Its just your next person to talk to.
Have No Outcome
Have you ever heard women describing guys as being creepy or pushy? Ever heard the disdain in their tone when they describe? Do you want to know what causes a guy to come across this way? Its all about having a goal. If you have this goal that you "must" get laid, must get her number, must get a date... You will come across as creepy and pushy.
So what's the solution? Just change your goal! Your goal is not to marry her, your goal is not to start a relationship; your goal is not to pick her up. Heck, your goal is not even to get a kiss. Your ONLY goal when you see her, is to introduce yourself and see who she is. That's it! You just want communicate to her that you're interested, and find out if she's interested back. If she's not, that's fine, you don't care.
Never Get Rejected, Get Tons Of Friends
The irony of having the "no goals" frame of mind is that women love it. Even if you're not her type and she's not interested... she'll be flattered! If you walk up with this (respectful) approach of "I just want to offer you an opportunity, its ok if you don't want it", she'll politely refuse the opportunity. She is still your friend though.
Now, you might be thinking "but wait, isn't that rejection, didn't she reject you!?". Well, technically she didn't escalate on the opportunity so yes in some way. But when you do this, it feels different. Its more like asking a friend to go to the cinema, and the friend saying he has a huge project he has to finish by the morning. You don't see it as personal, and you're still friends. This is kind of the same.
Get Hot Women As Friends
A really, really cool technique I learned from science years ago is that women love men who have female friends. The exact same man, standing alone, will be seen one way... And then if seen standing with 2 female friends, he will be seen as a lot more attractive guy. The exact same guy. Now how does this related? Remember factor 2? All the women you approached to just socialize with... You either got together with them, or they're now your friends :)
So all these female friends that you get are like seeds really. By having this female friend, you haven't lost a potential lover. You've just gained hundreds of new ones? Think about all the hot friends she has, friends of her friends, acquaintances she knows. Just by hanging out with her, through her, you can meet hundreds of women. Whomever she says hi to when you're out actually.
This is really all it comes down to. I know this guide sounds a bit too simple to be true. But it really is that simple, you just need to apply this stuff.
So you're living your life right? You go about your day, you might be feeling positive, or you might be in a bad mood, and then it happens... As you're standing in the supermarket aisle... the cutest girl you've seen in weeks passes by you and stands 5 feet from you, looking at some products. She might even go so far as to smile at you as she passes by. What do you do? If you're like most guys, you start making excuses on why you can't approach her.
By the time all of this goes by, she's walked off, and you've missed your chance. You go home, feeling defeated and like a loser because you didn't say anything, blaming yourself and feeling like a loser.
Fear not my man! For I have arrived. What is that's so special about me? Well, I've actually spent almost all my adult life studying the art of approaching women, and even more importantly how to help other guys achieve this feat. Over the years, I've learned to simplify the process, and bring it down to its core essence. I now believe there are just 4 key components to this. Here they are as follows:
Have Fun
I know this sounds all new-age, but its true. If go out to that bar with a bunch of friends who are fun, exciting positive people who like to dance, banter, joke around, what will happens is that you will be so busy partying and jumping around that you don't have time for doubt.
So yes, it sounds all new-age and woo-woo, I realize this... But it does work as simply as that! You just walk up there, and say hi to her. Why? Because that's what you've been doing all night! You don't even think about it. Its just your next person to talk to.
Have No Outcome
Have you ever heard women describing guys as being creepy or pushy? Ever heard the disdain in their tone when they describe? Do you want to know what causes a guy to come across this way? Its all about having a goal. If you have this goal that you "must" get laid, must get her number, must get a date... You will come across as creepy and pushy.
So what's the solution? Just change your goal! Your goal is not to marry her, your goal is not to start a relationship; your goal is not to pick her up. Heck, your goal is not even to get a kiss. Your ONLY goal when you see her, is to introduce yourself and see who she is. That's it! You just want communicate to her that you're interested, and find out if she's interested back. If she's not, that's fine, you don't care.
Never Get Rejected, Get Tons Of Friends
The irony of having the "no goals" frame of mind is that women love it. Even if you're not her type and she's not interested... she'll be flattered! If you walk up with this (respectful) approach of "I just want to offer you an opportunity, its ok if you don't want it", she'll politely refuse the opportunity. She is still your friend though.
Now, you might be thinking "but wait, isn't that rejection, didn't she reject you!?". Well, technically she didn't escalate on the opportunity so yes in some way. But when you do this, it feels different. Its more like asking a friend to go to the cinema, and the friend saying he has a huge project he has to finish by the morning. You don't see it as personal, and you're still friends. This is kind of the same.
Get Hot Women As Friends
A really, really cool technique I learned from science years ago is that women love men who have female friends. The exact same man, standing alone, will be seen one way... And then if seen standing with 2 female friends, he will be seen as a lot more attractive guy. The exact same guy. Now how does this related? Remember factor 2? All the women you approached to just socialize with... You either got together with them, or they're now your friends :)
So all these female friends that you get are like seeds really. By having this female friend, you haven't lost a potential lover. You've just gained hundreds of new ones? Think about all the hot friends she has, friends of her friends, acquaintances she knows. Just by hanging out with her, through her, you can meet hundreds of women. Whomever she says hi to when you're out actually.
This is really all it comes down to. I know this guide sounds a bit too simple to be true. But it really is that simple, you just need to apply this stuff.