My First Steps to Personal Sovereignty
In March 2008, I finally looked up Ron Paul's presidential campaign website after reading negative reviews about him and his policies in National Review.
I had heard of Ron Paul and dismissed him because of what I heard, but decided to see for myself what he was all about.
I did not really understand his unique position in the political spectrum.
He was in fact outside the conventional left/right political spectrum.
He was conservative and liberal; he was consistently pro-life, pro-liberty, and pro-Constitution.
I liked what I heard and I read but was also very alarmed.
I had no idea how much the politicians of both parties, who swore to obey and defend the Constitution, had in reality ignored and sidestepped the Constitution.
He showed how the government through both parties, Democrat and Republican, was slowly encroaching on the freedoms and rights of Americans.
He repeatedly pointed to the government's failure to provide sound money as set forth in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution.
Instead of obeying the Constitution to coin money, it gave a semi-private banking cartel, the Federal Reserve System, control of the money supply, monetary policy and permission to create the fiat currency we now have based on nothing more than debt and trust.
As he and other Austrian economists and historians point out, all fiat currencies throughout history have failed.
The day of reckoning is approaching, but the mainstream media continues to report on irrelevancies or casts the problems in terms of a political struggle between liberals and conservatives.
The media cheers the growth of government but ignores the loss of liberty.
It never reports on the unconstitutionality of the Federal Reserve System and its practices.
After learning about all this, I knew I had to do something, so I became actively involved with Ron Paul's presidential campaign.
After the Republican Convention, I continued to support Ron Paul and his political action committee, Campaign for Liberty.
I continue to support all he does, and I am now a Campaign for Liberty precinct leader in Honolulu, Hawai'i, but there is problem with politics.
We have to convince people who want security and privilege over freedom and responsibility to change their worldview and take action to give up their benefits and special privileges and instead become responsible and restore the Constitution to gain back their freedom and liberty.
Although there is a strong streak of libertarianism in the United States, it is a minority position.
That would not be a problem were it not for the fact that the country has in fact changed from a constitutional republic to a democracy, a country ruled by a triumphant majority that takes away the benefits, privileges and rights! of the losing minority.
As people see this, they realize that in politics they must win at all cost or risk losing their position and security.
This is the underlying reason for the divisiveness in the United States.
I have recently come across some ideas and terms such as "Sovereign Individual", "PT", and "New Rich", along with Harry Brown's book, How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World.
The idea behind these terms and Brown's book is to set yourself free from government control on your own without having to convince and change others to follow your ideas and wishes.
The idea is to become sovereign yourself, on your own terms, without having to wait for society to change its thinking or behavior.
Instead of changing the country or government, you change yourself and set yourself free.
Becoming a Sovereign Individual becomes your responsibility alone but is within your power.
For more information on my journey to personal sovereignty, visit my blog: Libertas.
I had heard of Ron Paul and dismissed him because of what I heard, but decided to see for myself what he was all about.
I did not really understand his unique position in the political spectrum.
He was in fact outside the conventional left/right political spectrum.
He was conservative and liberal; he was consistently pro-life, pro-liberty, and pro-Constitution.
I liked what I heard and I read but was also very alarmed.
I had no idea how much the politicians of both parties, who swore to obey and defend the Constitution, had in reality ignored and sidestepped the Constitution.
He showed how the government through both parties, Democrat and Republican, was slowly encroaching on the freedoms and rights of Americans.
He repeatedly pointed to the government's failure to provide sound money as set forth in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution.
Instead of obeying the Constitution to coin money, it gave a semi-private banking cartel, the Federal Reserve System, control of the money supply, monetary policy and permission to create the fiat currency we now have based on nothing more than debt and trust.
As he and other Austrian economists and historians point out, all fiat currencies throughout history have failed.
The day of reckoning is approaching, but the mainstream media continues to report on irrelevancies or casts the problems in terms of a political struggle between liberals and conservatives.
The media cheers the growth of government but ignores the loss of liberty.
It never reports on the unconstitutionality of the Federal Reserve System and its practices.
After learning about all this, I knew I had to do something, so I became actively involved with Ron Paul's presidential campaign.
After the Republican Convention, I continued to support Ron Paul and his political action committee, Campaign for Liberty.
I continue to support all he does, and I am now a Campaign for Liberty precinct leader in Honolulu, Hawai'i, but there is problem with politics.
We have to convince people who want security and privilege over freedom and responsibility to change their worldview and take action to give up their benefits and special privileges and instead become responsible and restore the Constitution to gain back their freedom and liberty.
Although there is a strong streak of libertarianism in the United States, it is a minority position.
That would not be a problem were it not for the fact that the country has in fact changed from a constitutional republic to a democracy, a country ruled by a triumphant majority that takes away the benefits, privileges and rights! of the losing minority.
As people see this, they realize that in politics they must win at all cost or risk losing their position and security.
This is the underlying reason for the divisiveness in the United States.
I have recently come across some ideas and terms such as "Sovereign Individual", "PT", and "New Rich", along with Harry Brown's book, How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World.
The idea behind these terms and Brown's book is to set yourself free from government control on your own without having to convince and change others to follow your ideas and wishes.
The idea is to become sovereign yourself, on your own terms, without having to wait for society to change its thinking or behavior.
Instead of changing the country or government, you change yourself and set yourself free.
Becoming a Sovereign Individual becomes your responsibility alone but is within your power.
For more information on my journey to personal sovereignty, visit my blog: Libertas.