Requirements For Private Pilot Training
Many people do not quite understand the requirements needed for their pilot training.
To meet all of the requirements for the license you will need to cover many subject areas both on the ground and in the airplane.
Most people just look at the general requirements for private pilot training and do not understand the other requirements.
There are many requirements needed in order to complete each phase of your Private Pilot Training.
You will have three phase of your training: Pre solo, Post solo and flight test preparation.
In most cases you will find something like this outline of the general requirements.
Remember this is just the general requirements for you to be eligible to take the private pilot practical test.
40 Hours Total 20 Hours Dual Instruction 10 Hours Solo Now in other places you may see some added information 3 Hours Instrument 3 Hours Night 5 Hours Solo Cross Country Now you want to remember this is just the general requirement.
This does not include all of the student pilot requirements and the ground instruction requirements.
Listed below are the other requirements needed to complete your Pilot.
Student Pilot Requirements: When you are ready to solo an aircraft you are know as a student pilot.
There are two different areas that are needed to be covered within the requirements that will apply to you.
The first is pre solo.
These are the requirements needed before you can go up and fly the plane by yourself.
Before Solo, student pilots must meet the aeronautical requirements for solo flight.
The next section of requirements that will apply to student pilots are the post solo requirements.
These are the requirements that have to be met before you can go on your solo cross countries.
Flight Test requirements: In order to be eligible for the private pilot practical test you must meet the final requirements.
The general requirements for private pilot training will need to be met in addition to the student pilot requirements.
These requirements include both aeronautical knowledge and aeronautical experience.
That is flight instruction and ground instruction.
Many times the student does not realize what is exactly required, this can add up to more flights if something is missed by the flight instructor.
The pilot examiner picking up these missed items on the day of your flight test is the worst case scenario.
So you want to understand that there are more requirements than just the general aeronautical experience requirements needed for the flight test.
The reason I always explain this is so the student can get an idea of what is required to do at each stage of your training and then what is required for you to take your flight test.
Before you start spending any money, you will want to plan the private pilot license process out.
Hope to See You In The Sky Airfreddy
To meet all of the requirements for the license you will need to cover many subject areas both on the ground and in the airplane.
Most people just look at the general requirements for private pilot training and do not understand the other requirements.
There are many requirements needed in order to complete each phase of your Private Pilot Training.
You will have three phase of your training: Pre solo, Post solo and flight test preparation.
In most cases you will find something like this outline of the general requirements.
Remember this is just the general requirements for you to be eligible to take the private pilot practical test.
40 Hours Total 20 Hours Dual Instruction 10 Hours Solo Now in other places you may see some added information 3 Hours Instrument 3 Hours Night 5 Hours Solo Cross Country Now you want to remember this is just the general requirement.
This does not include all of the student pilot requirements and the ground instruction requirements.
Listed below are the other requirements needed to complete your Pilot.
Student Pilot Requirements: When you are ready to solo an aircraft you are know as a student pilot.
There are two different areas that are needed to be covered within the requirements that will apply to you.
The first is pre solo.
These are the requirements needed before you can go up and fly the plane by yourself.
Before Solo, student pilots must meet the aeronautical requirements for solo flight.
The next section of requirements that will apply to student pilots are the post solo requirements.
These are the requirements that have to be met before you can go on your solo cross countries.
Flight Test requirements: In order to be eligible for the private pilot practical test you must meet the final requirements.
The general requirements for private pilot training will need to be met in addition to the student pilot requirements.
These requirements include both aeronautical knowledge and aeronautical experience.
That is flight instruction and ground instruction.
Many times the student does not realize what is exactly required, this can add up to more flights if something is missed by the flight instructor.
The pilot examiner picking up these missed items on the day of your flight test is the worst case scenario.
So you want to understand that there are more requirements than just the general aeronautical experience requirements needed for the flight test.
The reason I always explain this is so the student can get an idea of what is required to do at each stage of your training and then what is required for you to take your flight test.
Before you start spending any money, you will want to plan the private pilot license process out.
Hope to See You In The Sky Airfreddy