Ingenious Teeny Doll Pieces: Recommendations
Using Size to your Benefit for Design
When setting up your dollhouse and buying furniture you will need to remember the three sizing constraints. The first sizing element of miniatures is the scale, the second is the room dimensions, and third is sizing miniatures next to one another. The first is the miniature scale, and you could really lose some money buying the wrong size. Meaning that if you have a half inch dollhouse that you need to purchase half inch dollhouse furniture. The second is room size: or simply not cramming furniture into the room that will not fit. Take out a ruler and measure the square inches of the room and compare it to your incoming furniture dimensions. The last point is relative size; this means that within a room you can coordinate the pieces. Smaller pieces will get less attention than other pieces, and the larger pieces should be the ones that you want everyone to look at.
Dollhouse Interior Plan Preparation
If you fail to plan you plan to fail. A plan ensures that you are getting exactly what you want, and helps you avoid wasting time. A basic floor plan and a budget should be the minimum of your list; these at least will get you started. A floor plan will consist of measurements, color, furniture pieces, and a good rough outline of the room. There are many room designs both online and off. Simply take note of a great room that you saw at a friends house and make notes on what you liked and what you didnt. Compare your notes to your current plan and change it if necessary. Now that you are ready to buy, you will want to break out your budget to make sure that you don't overspend. It does not matter how great a miniature is, if it makes you overspend you probably will regret it when you need that money for other items. If you find a piece of furniture that is over your budget apply your patience and save until you can purchase it.
An Addition that can make a Big Difference
Everyone likes to tweak there dollhouses from time to time. The last dollhouse that I was making I discovered a great addition that really made my interior stand out. This big discovery was floor trim. Floor Trim is not a new creation, but what I found is instead of buying it, to use a very thin balsa wood found in most craft stores. I painted them white, which went with all the walls in my dollhouse, and attached them to the floors throughout the house. I was most impressed to not see any more tiny cracks between the wall and the flooring due to the trim covering it up. The wallpaper walls were also trimmed and I was really happy to see that it prevented fraying due to covering the edges. It was a little addition that was fun to install and really added to the look of my dollhouse.
Dollhouse and the Appropriate Mood
Designers might know about lighting, and colors, but only the great ones design for mood. A mood is the purpose of the room, the reason that it exists. One example of a mood is the dining room should be a place of meeting, where people can relax and talk to one another. One more example would be the bedroom, the most personal quarters, and is designed for only one person. Great dollhouses are no different. To tap into your mood settings, think about the purpose of the room, why it is their, and what designs, colors, furniture, would better suit that mood. As you increase your miniaturist talent with your own dollhouses people will notice the particular moods, and even though they can't quite put there finger on it, they will be impressed.
When setting up your dollhouse and buying furniture you will need to remember the three sizing constraints. The first sizing element of miniatures is the scale, the second is the room dimensions, and third is sizing miniatures next to one another. The first is the miniature scale, and you could really lose some money buying the wrong size. Meaning that if you have a half inch dollhouse that you need to purchase half inch dollhouse furniture. The second is room size: or simply not cramming furniture into the room that will not fit. Take out a ruler and measure the square inches of the room and compare it to your incoming furniture dimensions. The last point is relative size; this means that within a room you can coordinate the pieces. Smaller pieces will get less attention than other pieces, and the larger pieces should be the ones that you want everyone to look at.
Dollhouse Interior Plan Preparation
If you fail to plan you plan to fail. A plan ensures that you are getting exactly what you want, and helps you avoid wasting time. A basic floor plan and a budget should be the minimum of your list; these at least will get you started. A floor plan will consist of measurements, color, furniture pieces, and a good rough outline of the room. There are many room designs both online and off. Simply take note of a great room that you saw at a friends house and make notes on what you liked and what you didnt. Compare your notes to your current plan and change it if necessary. Now that you are ready to buy, you will want to break out your budget to make sure that you don't overspend. It does not matter how great a miniature is, if it makes you overspend you probably will regret it when you need that money for other items. If you find a piece of furniture that is over your budget apply your patience and save until you can purchase it.
An Addition that can make a Big Difference
Everyone likes to tweak there dollhouses from time to time. The last dollhouse that I was making I discovered a great addition that really made my interior stand out. This big discovery was floor trim. Floor Trim is not a new creation, but what I found is instead of buying it, to use a very thin balsa wood found in most craft stores. I painted them white, which went with all the walls in my dollhouse, and attached them to the floors throughout the house. I was most impressed to not see any more tiny cracks between the wall and the flooring due to the trim covering it up. The wallpaper walls were also trimmed and I was really happy to see that it prevented fraying due to covering the edges. It was a little addition that was fun to install and really added to the look of my dollhouse.
Dollhouse and the Appropriate Mood
Designers might know about lighting, and colors, but only the great ones design for mood. A mood is the purpose of the room, the reason that it exists. One example of a mood is the dining room should be a place of meeting, where people can relax and talk to one another. One more example would be the bedroom, the most personal quarters, and is designed for only one person. Great dollhouses are no different. To tap into your mood settings, think about the purpose of the room, why it is their, and what designs, colors, furniture, would better suit that mood. As you increase your miniaturist talent with your own dollhouses people will notice the particular moods, and even though they can't quite put there finger on it, they will be impressed.