Attracting Love - Using The Law Of Attraction To Find Love
Everyone needs love; and, at some level, we all want it.
But, these days, most people seem to be "looking for love in all the wrong places!"What is love, and where do we find it? Or, better yet, how can we use The Secret, or The Law of Attraction, to bring love to us? First of all, let's clarify what I mean by "the wrong places.
" Mostly, the wrong place to look for love is "outside," or outside of yourself.
In other words, the only place you'll ever find love is INSIDE you; and it is there -- waiting for you to discover.
The love you seek is in you.
If you are thinking you want a romantic relationship, so you can enjoy the feeling of being loved, keep in mind that the real value of a relationship is having someone to express your love to.
Being loved is great; but the true joy of love is in loving.
We've all heard the old saying, "It is better to give than to receive;" in the case of love, truer words have never been spoken.
Some people think of love as the sum of what another person can do for, or give to, us.
There are other words that are perhaps more appropriate for the things other people "give" us -- words like: Gratification; affection; attention; etc.
To "attract" love, "you must become the change you seek...
" Be love.
Be the kind of love you want;become the kind of person you wish to attract.
That really is all there is to it.
Oh yeah, you have to say, "Yes," when they ask you out on a date, too.
This may seem confusing at first; and I can hear you saying, "But, I want to HAVE love!" or, "I want to FIND love, not BE it...
" Relax; and ask yourself if you love you.
Ask yourself if you are the kind of person you want to be around -- or that someone else would want to spend a lot of time with.
When you are that person, you'll find yourself noticing others who feel the same way.
Ask yourself if what you want is love, or if what you really want is to "not be alone," or "not be lonely.
" There are many "bad" relationships in this world -- relationships that were formed because two people had sex, or because they don't know how to be alone, or how to find someone "like" themselves to be with.
It is important to know why you want a relationship, or why you are in the one you are in.
Love is kindness, respect, compassion, and appreciation; when you have mastered these things in yourself, you will begin finding them in others -- and they will find them in you.
You aren't alone in your search for love; and right now, someone kind, respectful, compassionate, and appreciative is searching and waiting for someone just like that.
"Become the change you seek;" and the change you seek will find you.
Love is all you need; and you've already got a lifetime supply of it.
But, these days, most people seem to be "looking for love in all the wrong places!"What is love, and where do we find it? Or, better yet, how can we use The Secret, or The Law of Attraction, to bring love to us? First of all, let's clarify what I mean by "the wrong places.
" Mostly, the wrong place to look for love is "outside," or outside of yourself.
In other words, the only place you'll ever find love is INSIDE you; and it is there -- waiting for you to discover.
The love you seek is in you.
If you are thinking you want a romantic relationship, so you can enjoy the feeling of being loved, keep in mind that the real value of a relationship is having someone to express your love to.
Being loved is great; but the true joy of love is in loving.
We've all heard the old saying, "It is better to give than to receive;" in the case of love, truer words have never been spoken.
Some people think of love as the sum of what another person can do for, or give to, us.
There are other words that are perhaps more appropriate for the things other people "give" us -- words like: Gratification; affection; attention; etc.
To "attract" love, "you must become the change you seek...
" Be love.
Be the kind of love you want;become the kind of person you wish to attract.
That really is all there is to it.
Oh yeah, you have to say, "Yes," when they ask you out on a date, too.
This may seem confusing at first; and I can hear you saying, "But, I want to HAVE love!" or, "I want to FIND love, not BE it...
" Relax; and ask yourself if you love you.
Ask yourself if you are the kind of person you want to be around -- or that someone else would want to spend a lot of time with.
When you are that person, you'll find yourself noticing others who feel the same way.
Ask yourself if what you want is love, or if what you really want is to "not be alone," or "not be lonely.
" There are many "bad" relationships in this world -- relationships that were formed because two people had sex, or because they don't know how to be alone, or how to find someone "like" themselves to be with.
It is important to know why you want a relationship, or why you are in the one you are in.
Love is kindness, respect, compassion, and appreciation; when you have mastered these things in yourself, you will begin finding them in others -- and they will find them in you.
You aren't alone in your search for love; and right now, someone kind, respectful, compassionate, and appreciative is searching and waiting for someone just like that.
"Become the change you seek;" and the change you seek will find you.
Love is all you need; and you've already got a lifetime supply of it.