How to Keep a Guy Interested - 3 Top Things That Will Make Him Lose Interest in You
Learning how to get a guy to like you is only half of the battle.
The other part is learning how to keep a guy interested in you for the long haul.
You have to learn exactly what it is that men are looking for.
Do not play the guessing game and hope that it works.
If you are having a problem getting a guy to keep his interest, take a look at what you are doing.
Then think about some of the things that you may not be doing.
Do not write it off as just another guy who is missing out on what a great girl you are.
If you want to know how to keep a guy interested, make sure that you are not doing any of the three things listed below.
The other part is learning how to keep a guy interested in you for the long haul.
You have to learn exactly what it is that men are looking for.
Do not play the guessing game and hope that it works.
If you are having a problem getting a guy to keep his interest, take a look at what you are doing.
Then think about some of the things that you may not be doing.
Do not write it off as just another guy who is missing out on what a great girl you are.
If you want to know how to keep a guy interested, make sure that you are not doing any of the three things listed below.
- Make sure that you do not overload him with emotions.
Many men are aware of their inner emotions, but they do not want to feel pressured to let them all out.
You do not want to scare him into being intimate or close with you.
This never ends with a good outcome.
Keep a level head on your shoulders and go with the flow of things.
I know, it may not seem fair to have to go with his flow of the situation, but remember that you cannot force him into doing or saying anything without expecting him to pull away. - Do not lose your sense of self.
What I mean by this is that in order to know how to keep a guy interested, you have to have a sense of your own identity.
Do not lose yourself in him and his ideas.
He was attracted to you, not an image of himself.
Do not forget the things that you enjoy in your life. - Do not constantly nag about what you want him to do for you.
Too much nagging about what you want out of him will make him feel like he is just not good enough.
Part of knowing how to keep a guy interested is knowing that men need a stroke of the ego every now and then.
he wants to feel as if he is worth anything to you.
You would not want him to get tired of trying and fall into the arms of another less nagging woman, would you?