How to Have Medical Records Sent to a New Doctor
- 1). Tell your current doctor as soon as you have made the decision to transfer to a new doctor. This will give them plenty of time to prepare the files relating to your medical history and will help ensure a smooth transition.
- 2). Provide the new doctor with the name and practice address of all previous physicians. If any of the patient's previous doctors have have moved, passed away or retired, they can find details of their medical license registered addresses by contacting the relevant local county medical society.
- 3). Give the new doctor permission to request your medical history from your previous doctor. Transferring medical records between physicians is considered a "professional courtesy" and is not covered by law. This means that while most physicians will not levy a fee for transferring records, there is nothing to stop them from doing so. It also means that physicians are under no legal obligation to transfer records within a certain time limit. If the patient makes a written request for his own records from a previous doctor however, that doctor must provide the records within 15 days of the request's receipt.