How To Breed Crickets
So if you are like me you are getting tired of having to go to the store 2-3 times a week to feed your lizard(s).
The cost to feed one or two bearded dragons adds up and adds up fast.
So why not just raise your own.
Well this is really not that hard to do and doesn't cost an arm and a leg to do.
Crickets needs three things though in order for this to work which is...
they need heat 2.
they need food and water 3.
they need a good place to lay their eggs If you have an extra 10 or even a 20 gallon tank lying around these work great, but if not don't panic, you can easily use a plastic tub or something similar that has a top so they can't get out.
Be sure to set up in a way that you are able to apply heat to it.
This is why I find that tanks are easy because you can just place either a heating pad at the bottom or a heating lamp on top.
I just listed a plastic tub because theirs people who have had success with one.
The image at the top shows an example of how it should be setup.
A food and water area, egg creates for the crickets, and some sort of container about 1-2 inches deep for the dirt where they will lay there eggs.
For the dirt it needs to be some sort of Turf Substrate that you can find at your local pet store.
They usually come compressed as a brick, all you do is add water and it expands into dirt.
The dirt you will need to keep it moist so that the eggs wont dry out.
You just add about 30 crickets.
The temperature should be around 85 degrees, should not exceed 95 or drop below 70.
This is to keep them alive and to make sure the eggs properly incubate.
When you hear the crickets chirping and the females have long stems then you are doing good at that time they should be ready to start laying there eggs.
I usually will leave the crickets inside the tank for about 4 days after that I feed them to the lizards.
The eggs just leave inside the tank incubated for about 2 weeks.
Keep the soil moist, and before you know they will hatch and they look like baby ants.
The cost to feed one or two bearded dragons adds up and adds up fast.
So why not just raise your own.
Well this is really not that hard to do and doesn't cost an arm and a leg to do.
Crickets needs three things though in order for this to work which is...
they need heat 2.
they need food and water 3.
they need a good place to lay their eggs If you have an extra 10 or even a 20 gallon tank lying around these work great, but if not don't panic, you can easily use a plastic tub or something similar that has a top so they can't get out.
Be sure to set up in a way that you are able to apply heat to it.
This is why I find that tanks are easy because you can just place either a heating pad at the bottom or a heating lamp on top.
I just listed a plastic tub because theirs people who have had success with one.
The image at the top shows an example of how it should be setup.
A food and water area, egg creates for the crickets, and some sort of container about 1-2 inches deep for the dirt where they will lay there eggs.
For the dirt it needs to be some sort of Turf Substrate that you can find at your local pet store.
They usually come compressed as a brick, all you do is add water and it expands into dirt.
The dirt you will need to keep it moist so that the eggs wont dry out.
You just add about 30 crickets.
The temperature should be around 85 degrees, should not exceed 95 or drop below 70.
This is to keep them alive and to make sure the eggs properly incubate.
When you hear the crickets chirping and the females have long stems then you are doing good at that time they should be ready to start laying there eggs.
I usually will leave the crickets inside the tank for about 4 days after that I feed them to the lizards.
The eggs just leave inside the tank incubated for about 2 weeks.
Keep the soil moist, and before you know they will hatch and they look like baby ants.