Hair Loss Treatments and Hair Restoration: One O’ One
Hair restoration surgery has certainly gained itself relative niche audience and admiration delivering a number of celebrity past patients to prohibit the improvised version of the procedure, notably, Follicular Grafting.
Follicular grafting is a principle that is utilised in two ways into two methods to conduct the surgery, basically involving taking hair from the back of the scalp referred as the donor zone and replacing it to the frontal areas or recipient zones. The methods or procedures are:
Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) which involves taking a strip off the patients back of the scalp and dissecting the strip to harvest follicular units that is formed into hair grafts ready to be replaced to the recipient zone. The donor wound is closed and sutured that leaves a linear scar that heals off to a pencil thin scar. The modern incision as well as donor closure techniques in FUT has provisioned a viable procedure, that is the highest sought for its advantages of harvesting the best quality donor hair, because of the open dissection facility. The patient would need to refrain from strenuous activity for several days and also allow about 10day's downtime for maximum results.
Follicular Unit Transplant (FUE) serves the purpose of avoiding permanent donor scars, and crafts a unique method of plucking individual hair follicular units as complete hair grafts with a punch and a forceps. The procedure is the most attractive than FUT, since it doesn't use any skin cutting unlike FUT, but that doesn't mean that this is a scar free or non-surgical method. FUE is minimal invasive and the scars it leaves are tiny red dots that take a total 7-10days to completely fade off any signs of invasiveness. It also comes with limited downtime of about 4-5days.
Both FUT and FUE hair restoration are formidable methods of hair restoration, and allow the most naturalistic results and undetectable of any signs of surgery or treatments. It is indicative though that patients should give the surgery some time and use a hair loss treatment such Propecia or Minoxidil hair loss medications that works by fighting the DHT levels, and lower DHT levels equals to lesser hair loss. This principle works for some, but since it is an indirect approach to the actual hair loss problem, it works inconstantly for different people using them.
Another factor is that baldness is not only androgenic alopecia, there is women's hair loss, there are other hair loss problems, though less common, but they exist, such as telogen effluvim, scarring alopecia, traction alopecia, these are not associated with the hormones, thus a medication that is designed for hormones can do least to prevent these relatively uncommon diagnosis.
Follicular grafting is a principle that is utilised in two ways into two methods to conduct the surgery, basically involving taking hair from the back of the scalp referred as the donor zone and replacing it to the frontal areas or recipient zones. The methods or procedures are:
Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) which involves taking a strip off the patients back of the scalp and dissecting the strip to harvest follicular units that is formed into hair grafts ready to be replaced to the recipient zone. The donor wound is closed and sutured that leaves a linear scar that heals off to a pencil thin scar. The modern incision as well as donor closure techniques in FUT has provisioned a viable procedure, that is the highest sought for its advantages of harvesting the best quality donor hair, because of the open dissection facility. The patient would need to refrain from strenuous activity for several days and also allow about 10day's downtime for maximum results.
Follicular Unit Transplant (FUE) serves the purpose of avoiding permanent donor scars, and crafts a unique method of plucking individual hair follicular units as complete hair grafts with a punch and a forceps. The procedure is the most attractive than FUT, since it doesn't use any skin cutting unlike FUT, but that doesn't mean that this is a scar free or non-surgical method. FUE is minimal invasive and the scars it leaves are tiny red dots that take a total 7-10days to completely fade off any signs of invasiveness. It also comes with limited downtime of about 4-5days.
Both FUT and FUE hair restoration are formidable methods of hair restoration, and allow the most naturalistic results and undetectable of any signs of surgery or treatments. It is indicative though that patients should give the surgery some time and use a hair loss treatment such Propecia or Minoxidil hair loss medications that works by fighting the DHT levels, and lower DHT levels equals to lesser hair loss. This principle works for some, but since it is an indirect approach to the actual hair loss problem, it works inconstantly for different people using them.
Another factor is that baldness is not only androgenic alopecia, there is women's hair loss, there are other hair loss problems, though less common, but they exist, such as telogen effluvim, scarring alopecia, traction alopecia, these are not associated with the hormones, thus a medication that is designed for hormones can do least to prevent these relatively uncommon diagnosis.