How to Change My Address on My OHIP Card
- 1). Access the ServiceOntario website. Select Change of Address on a Health Card> Do It Online Now> Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (Health Card).
- 2). Indicate which type of health card you have. Enter requested information:
Red/White Card:
Health Number: A 10-digit number on the front of your card.
Version Code: One- or two-letter code on front lower right hand side of your card.
Last Known Postal Code: Your last postal code the Ministry of Health has on file.
Photo Health Card:
Health Number: 10-digit code located on the front of the card.
Version Code: Two-letter code to the right of your health number.
Citizenship or Immigration Document Number: Last four characters of the document you used to register for your health card. - 3). Enter your new address and postal code.
- 4). Confirm your changes.
- 1). Visit a ServiceOntario kiosk. Inquire with the Ministry of Health about kiosk locations.
- 2). Insert your card into the kiosk. Select "Change Of Address."
- 3). Type in your new address and postal code.
- 4). Confirm your address change.
- 1). Find your local OHIP office or outreach site. Inquire about locations at the Ministry of Health.
- 2). Write a letter that includes your name, health number, telephone number, current address and new address with postal code.
- 3). Take the letter to your local OHIP office. Indicate that you have a change of address request. You can also mail the letter to your local OHIP office.
- 1). Obtain a change of address form, which is known as a Form 1057-82. Request a copy from your local OHIP office or download the form on the ServiceOntario website.
- 2). Complete Form 1057-82. Include your new address and postal code. Other residents who are moving to the same address can be included on the form.
- 3). Mail the form to the designated address.
OHIP Office
Form 1057-82