Christian Marriage Problems - The 3 Step Solution
Christian marriage problems occurs at least as frequently as those that occur in non Christian marriages.
In fact, the divorce rate for Christian marriages is actually higher than that of non Christian marriages, and on the rise! Most Christian marriages in crisis can be resolved long before divorce is explored, by following these 3 steps.
1) What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate Most couples are aware of the necessity to communicate.
The problems revolves around the inability of couples to know HOW to communicate.
This is especially true when it comes to expressing feelings.
With Christian couples in particular, guilt feelings can arise when the partners are feeling emotionally unfulfilled.
They have been led to believe in the complete sanctity of marriage, and feelings of dissatisfaction may be suppressed.
Repressed feelings are at the core of many Christian marriage problems.
The key is to understand that no marriage is perfect.
The holy union of marriage is perfect, however the human beings involved certainly are not.
Learn to discuss your feelings with your spouse in a loving way.
No finger pointing or personal attacks, just honest expression.
Set aside time each day to discuss issues of importance.
And, ALWAYS, listen to each other! 2) Bring Back Intimacy Sadly, many Christian marriages gradually lose intimacy.
This occurs as a by product of feeling unfulfilled emotionally.
The stresses of daily life also contributes to the problem.
Couples actually forget to spend time together in intimate surroundings.
In some cases, they fail to touch each other at all! In marriages that lack intimacy, the key is to bring it back to the marriage slowly.
Holding hands, or a gentle massage can be good beginnings.
What is important is that couples make a conscious effort to bring it back to the relationship.
3) Pray Together Assuming that communication and intimacy have returned to the marriage, it should natural for couples to want to pray together.
Give thanks to God for your most holy union on a daily basis.
Prayer can be a strong bond that ultimately cures Christian marriage problems.
In fact, the divorce rate for Christian marriages is actually higher than that of non Christian marriages, and on the rise! Most Christian marriages in crisis can be resolved long before divorce is explored, by following these 3 steps.
1) What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate Most couples are aware of the necessity to communicate.
The problems revolves around the inability of couples to know HOW to communicate.
This is especially true when it comes to expressing feelings.
With Christian couples in particular, guilt feelings can arise when the partners are feeling emotionally unfulfilled.
They have been led to believe in the complete sanctity of marriage, and feelings of dissatisfaction may be suppressed.
Repressed feelings are at the core of many Christian marriage problems.
The key is to understand that no marriage is perfect.
The holy union of marriage is perfect, however the human beings involved certainly are not.
Learn to discuss your feelings with your spouse in a loving way.
No finger pointing or personal attacks, just honest expression.
Set aside time each day to discuss issues of importance.
And, ALWAYS, listen to each other! 2) Bring Back Intimacy Sadly, many Christian marriages gradually lose intimacy.
This occurs as a by product of feeling unfulfilled emotionally.
The stresses of daily life also contributes to the problem.
Couples actually forget to spend time together in intimate surroundings.
In some cases, they fail to touch each other at all! In marriages that lack intimacy, the key is to bring it back to the marriage slowly.
Holding hands, or a gentle massage can be good beginnings.
What is important is that couples make a conscious effort to bring it back to the relationship.
3) Pray Together Assuming that communication and intimacy have returned to the marriage, it should natural for couples to want to pray together.
Give thanks to God for your most holy union on a daily basis.
Prayer can be a strong bond that ultimately cures Christian marriage problems.