Help Your Spouse Shave Around The Pimples
Shaving is a simple job. But that is so, at the normal times. This five minutes operation before the mirror every morning, turns into an ordeal when you have the attack of acne. Because, normally you shave the face as a whole. Now you shave centimeter by centimeter. You feel the facial area very large, even though it is your very same face. Its all red with designer pimples of many sizes- small, smaller and the smallest!
Well, I know shaving is your daily habit and you can't remain without shaving, even for a day. In the morning, you have a tight schedule, as you have to reach your office in time. And this new found shaving job (on the acne piled pimples) take nearly thirty minutes of your precious morning time.
Now you seek the help of your wife for emergency pads of cotton and antiseptic solutions. There is no problem with this. It is very good if a wife can help her hubby dear during such times.
It will immense help him. No doubt, it is better to avoid shaving or give a go to your daily routine of shaving, by skipping days in between when acne attack. But this is not possible always and he has to shave for some important reasons. Say, he might have to attend some important meeting or appear as a speaker at a conference, where he would like to present himself at his best.
Now the worst part of the shaving is you can't do it in parts. Shaving around the pimples is one situation where your dermatologist will not be able to give you any concrete help. You need to make and implement your own plan, for the duration of your pimples attack.
A wife can help him to cut the stubborn stubbles between the pimples. The other person is always in a better position to do this. For him, the operation is difficult, and he has to balance the razor with his one hand. The most important aspect of your help is, he will feel great, how much you care about his peculiar difficulty. This simple act will help him further and smoothen your already smooth relationship.
During the attack of acne, when you have lots of pimples and inflammation, it is for you to decide whether you should use Electric or safety razor. With the trial and error method, shave a small patch of your face and judge for yourself which is more comfortable. Help your spouse to soften the beard thoroughly, with the cleaner or pure water, before the actual shaving job. Avoid the nicking blemishes or if you must shave in those spots, shave lightly with utmost care.
Well, I know shaving is your daily habit and you can't remain without shaving, even for a day. In the morning, you have a tight schedule, as you have to reach your office in time. And this new found shaving job (on the acne piled pimples) take nearly thirty minutes of your precious morning time.
Now you seek the help of your wife for emergency pads of cotton and antiseptic solutions. There is no problem with this. It is very good if a wife can help her hubby dear during such times.
It will immense help him. No doubt, it is better to avoid shaving or give a go to your daily routine of shaving, by skipping days in between when acne attack. But this is not possible always and he has to shave for some important reasons. Say, he might have to attend some important meeting or appear as a speaker at a conference, where he would like to present himself at his best.
Now the worst part of the shaving is you can't do it in parts. Shaving around the pimples is one situation where your dermatologist will not be able to give you any concrete help. You need to make and implement your own plan, for the duration of your pimples attack.
A wife can help him to cut the stubborn stubbles between the pimples. The other person is always in a better position to do this. For him, the operation is difficult, and he has to balance the razor with his one hand. The most important aspect of your help is, he will feel great, how much you care about his peculiar difficulty. This simple act will help him further and smoothen your already smooth relationship.
During the attack of acne, when you have lots of pimples and inflammation, it is for you to decide whether you should use Electric or safety razor. With the trial and error method, shave a small patch of your face and judge for yourself which is more comfortable. Help your spouse to soften the beard thoroughly, with the cleaner or pure water, before the actual shaving job. Avoid the nicking blemishes or if you must shave in those spots, shave lightly with utmost care.