Secrets to Staying Young
While it's inevitable that we all get older, but awful lot of us refuse to accept that without a fight.
The battle to remain young, at least looking young and feeling young, is a mighty battle.
In fact it has created a multi-billion dollar industry.
It used to be just the baby boomers who were focused on staying young, and while they still are, the ensuing generations are starting to feel the effects of father Time now as well.
And believe me, they are squaring off just as steadfastly as their predecessors did (and are).
While there is a never ending supply of products, techniques, systems, books and everything else imaginable gear towards helping people stay young, there really isn't any need to fall for any of those things.
Here are a few basic points you should know it will help you in your successful efforts against relentless time.
Eat well, rest, and have fun.
Don't take things too seriously, especially things that are out of your control.
Excessive stress is the fast lane on the freeway to getting old in a hurry.
Do yourself and everyone around you a favor and avoid that at all costs.
The battle to remain young, at least looking young and feeling young, is a mighty battle.
In fact it has created a multi-billion dollar industry.
It used to be just the baby boomers who were focused on staying young, and while they still are, the ensuing generations are starting to feel the effects of father Time now as well.
And believe me, they are squaring off just as steadfastly as their predecessors did (and are).
While there is a never ending supply of products, techniques, systems, books and everything else imaginable gear towards helping people stay young, there really isn't any need to fall for any of those things.
Here are a few basic points you should know it will help you in your successful efforts against relentless time.
- Eat well - the emphasis here needs to be on "well".
Of course we all need to eat but the problem is that most people simply stuff their face with whatever is put in front of them.
Today's fast food, processed foods, snack foods, sodas and the like will do you no favors whatsoever when trying to look and feel young.
If you are looking for something more magical or mystical and that's, I'm sorry.
But the truth is you need to eat good, clean healthy food for your body to be a good, clean healthy body that continues to feel young and perform well for you. - Do something - and watching TV does not count.
"Do something" means do something physically active.
Preferably something that you have fun and enjoy doing.
You want to stay young? Well, remember when you are a kid and you would go outside and play, laugh and have a good time? Think of "do something" in that respect.
Get outside and go for a walk or ride a bike.
Plan a trip somewhere that you've never been and explore it on foot when you get there.
Try a new activity; yoga, water aerobics, dance lessons...
it doesn't matter as long as it's something you have fun doing.
Just get out there and move. - Have fun - this ties in to number two above...
have FUN! Again, remember the childhood example of running around laughing and doing things with a smile on your face and in your heart.
Finding these kinds of activities will go a long ways to helping your longevity.
However, if you have "fun" by drinking in excess until your staggering around slurring your words...
that simply does not count.
Alcohol in moderation can be a very healthy thing and actually can help with longevity, but remember, the key component there is moderation.
In excess, you are doing nothing but accelerating the aging process which is the exact opposite of what we're trying to do here.
If you want to stay young, treat your body right.
It will return the favor.
Eat well, rest, and have fun.
Don't take things too seriously, especially things that are out of your control.
Excessive stress is the fast lane on the freeway to getting old in a hurry.
Do yourself and everyone around you a favor and avoid that at all costs.