How to Remove Antler Velvet
- 1). Remove as much of the velvet as you can with a knife and pliers. It often will come off in large sections. Take care not to nick the antlers with the knife.
- 2). Fill with warm water a pot large enough to hold the antlers. Submerge the antlers and let them soak for three hours.
- 3). Pull the antlers out and rub a brush over them to remove any remaining velvet.
- 4). Replace the water in the pot. Put the pot on the top of the stove and turn the burner to high. Wait until the water reaches a rolling boil. Place the antlers in the boiling water for 15 to 30 minutes, which will harden them and cause the pores to close.
- 5). Rub the antlers with the brush a second time to ensure all velvet is gone.