Learning About Pancreatitis in Dogs
The pancreas has two functions, one of them is to make digestive enzymes and the other one is to produce insulin.
Pancreatitis is a condition where there is inflammation and swelling of this organ and it can be either very mild or very severe and life-threatening.
Many different things can trigger this condition but some of the more common causes are eating very high-fat meals and eating table scraps.
Some signs of acute pancreatitis are vomiting and severe abdominal pain.
Also the dog will very likely assume a "prayer position" where its chest is on the floor and its rump is in the air.
The reason for this position is to try and take pressure off of the abdomen.
Some dogs point might also have diarrhea and vomiting and become very dehydrated and weak and even may experience shock.
In milder cases you might just notice a loss of appetite and depression.
If your dog does have this condition, even a mild one, it will likely need to be hospitalized so your veterinarian can stabilize them.
The diagnosis is usually made by physical examination and blood tests that show an elevated amylase and lipase level, which are two enzymes that the pancreas produces.
Also ultrasound is usually used to confirm the diagnosis as well.
One of the most important steps in treating this condition is allowing the pancreas to rest completely.
This means not allowing the dog to eat anything at all for a few days.
In the meantime dogs are usually put on intravenous solutions and given antibiotics to prevent any possible infections.
Pancreatitis is a condition where there is inflammation and swelling of this organ and it can be either very mild or very severe and life-threatening.
Many different things can trigger this condition but some of the more common causes are eating very high-fat meals and eating table scraps.
Some signs of acute pancreatitis are vomiting and severe abdominal pain.
Also the dog will very likely assume a "prayer position" where its chest is on the floor and its rump is in the air.
The reason for this position is to try and take pressure off of the abdomen.
Some dogs point might also have diarrhea and vomiting and become very dehydrated and weak and even may experience shock.
In milder cases you might just notice a loss of appetite and depression.
If your dog does have this condition, even a mild one, it will likely need to be hospitalized so your veterinarian can stabilize them.
The diagnosis is usually made by physical examination and blood tests that show an elevated amylase and lipase level, which are two enzymes that the pancreas produces.
Also ultrasound is usually used to confirm the diagnosis as well.
One of the most important steps in treating this condition is allowing the pancreas to rest completely.
This means not allowing the dog to eat anything at all for a few days.
In the meantime dogs are usually put on intravenous solutions and given antibiotics to prevent any possible infections.