Starcraft 2 Roach Counter - How to Stop Roaches As All Three Races in SC2
The roach is quite effective in StarCraft 2 if used effectively; most zerg players know how to micro quite well with their roaches and create a wonderful opportunity for their other units, freeing them up as well.
It is important to know exactly what to do in order to counter these roaches easily and effective starting today! Roach Abilities The roaches have a unique amount of abilities that make them highly effective.
First of all, they have very high hp at 145 hp.
They also have high damage that's fast, and the ability to move while burrowed underground (it has to be researched), they can also regenerate health while burrowed as well.
It's not the perfect unit because it is actually very slow, they have very short range, the armored class makes them susceptible to specific units and most of all they can not attack air units whatsoever, so they are great, but certainly not perfect.
Terran Roach Counter You want to make sure that you use the Marauder's range to your advantage, you want to use concussive shells to slow this unit down even more and simply kite them with marauders, this will make quick work of them.
And if there's a roach rush, just wall of your base, build marauders, and boom, easy win.
Zerg Roach Counter Of course you can expect this to be the toughest, after all it's the same race.
So what you want to do is to counter by building roaches of your own and micro-ing better than your opponent, and building spine crawlers, teching up to mutalisks.
Air units destroy roaches and that's exactly what mutalisks are and will do.
Protoss Roach Counter Probably the second easiest time, the Terran is the easiest.
But all you have to do is to build your gateway, pylon, cybernetics core, and simply create a choke point in the entrance to your base, then just build some stalkers and sentries.
Don't build zealots please.
You'll get destroyed, trust me.
I did this once, all bad.
You also want to make sure that you use sentries to block off the entrance to your base and even try using immortals as well.
This can help you succeed so good luck!
It is important to know exactly what to do in order to counter these roaches easily and effective starting today! Roach Abilities The roaches have a unique amount of abilities that make them highly effective.
First of all, they have very high hp at 145 hp.
They also have high damage that's fast, and the ability to move while burrowed underground (it has to be researched), they can also regenerate health while burrowed as well.
It's not the perfect unit because it is actually very slow, they have very short range, the armored class makes them susceptible to specific units and most of all they can not attack air units whatsoever, so they are great, but certainly not perfect.
Terran Roach Counter You want to make sure that you use the Marauder's range to your advantage, you want to use concussive shells to slow this unit down even more and simply kite them with marauders, this will make quick work of them.
And if there's a roach rush, just wall of your base, build marauders, and boom, easy win.
Zerg Roach Counter Of course you can expect this to be the toughest, after all it's the same race.
So what you want to do is to counter by building roaches of your own and micro-ing better than your opponent, and building spine crawlers, teching up to mutalisks.
Air units destroy roaches and that's exactly what mutalisks are and will do.
Protoss Roach Counter Probably the second easiest time, the Terran is the easiest.
But all you have to do is to build your gateway, pylon, cybernetics core, and simply create a choke point in the entrance to your base, then just build some stalkers and sentries.
Don't build zealots please.
You'll get destroyed, trust me.
I did this once, all bad.
You also want to make sure that you use sentries to block off the entrance to your base and even try using immortals as well.
This can help you succeed so good luck!