Osiris the Ancient Egyptian God of the Afterlife
Osiris the god of the afterlife, was worshipped as early as the Fifth Dynasty. Most of the information on the god comes from the Pyramid Texts. Osiris and Isis were believed to be the initial king and queen of Egypt.
Osiris inherited the throne after his father Geb stepped down. It was said at first ancient Egyptians were barbarians and cannibals. This significantly troubled Osiris, so he taught the Egyptians what to consume, how to grow crops, how to worship gods and he gave them laws to obey.
Satisfied by this, Osiris traveled the lands to educate others on what he had taught the Egyptians. He left Isis as his regent in his absence.
Osiris was the oldest son of Geb and Nut. He was brother and partner to Isis, and was brother to Seth and Nephthys.
The god was father to Horus and Anubis. Nephthys his sister, tricked him into believing she was Isis since she wanted a son and her own partner Seth was infertile.
Osiris slept with Nephthys and Anubis was conceived. Nephthys was concerned about Seth's wrath and that he may kill the little one, so she encouraged Isis to adopt Anubis.
Horus was born after Osiris's fatality. Osiris was killed by his brother Seth because Seth was jealous and wanted Osiris's throne. Because the god spent so much time traveling the lands, Seth had lots of time to plot and find conspirators against Osiris.
Seth and 72 conspirators murdered the god Osiris. They tossed him in a box into the Nile. Isis, his lover, found his body. But before she could bring him back to life, or bury him, Seth in a rage torn Osiris's body and sprinkled the parts all over Egypt.
Over time, Isis found all the pieces of Osiris's body. With the help of Anubis, Isis, briefly brought him back to life by making use of an incantation she had studied. This incantation enabled Isis to become pregnant with Horus.
Osiris in death became the king of the Afterlife. Due to his death and resurrection, the god was associated with the flooding and retreating of the Nile, and the harvests from the crops. He was understood to the Egyptians as Lord of Love.
Osiris was generally represented as a green-skinned (the color of rebirth) man with a pharaoh's beard, mummy-wrapped legs, and an Atef crown with 2 feathers at either side. He was usually portrayed holding a symbolic crook and flail.
Ancient Egyptians believed that a pharaoh joined with Osiris once he died, which meant eternal life.
Osiris's ba (soul) was worshipped on its own, specifically in the city of Mendes.
Several celebrations were held in honor of Osiris. One that was held on November 13th celebrated the fatality of the god. This was the same day that grain was planted in the ground.
The annual celebration entailed the structure of Osiris beds, formed in the form of the god, filled with soil and seeds. The growing seed was implied to represent the god rising from the dead.
Osiris inherited the throne after his father Geb stepped down. It was said at first ancient Egyptians were barbarians and cannibals. This significantly troubled Osiris, so he taught the Egyptians what to consume, how to grow crops, how to worship gods and he gave them laws to obey.
Satisfied by this, Osiris traveled the lands to educate others on what he had taught the Egyptians. He left Isis as his regent in his absence.
Osiris was the oldest son of Geb and Nut. He was brother and partner to Isis, and was brother to Seth and Nephthys.
The god was father to Horus and Anubis. Nephthys his sister, tricked him into believing she was Isis since she wanted a son and her own partner Seth was infertile.
Osiris slept with Nephthys and Anubis was conceived. Nephthys was concerned about Seth's wrath and that he may kill the little one, so she encouraged Isis to adopt Anubis.
Horus was born after Osiris's fatality. Osiris was killed by his brother Seth because Seth was jealous and wanted Osiris's throne. Because the god spent so much time traveling the lands, Seth had lots of time to plot and find conspirators against Osiris.
Seth and 72 conspirators murdered the god Osiris. They tossed him in a box into the Nile. Isis, his lover, found his body. But before she could bring him back to life, or bury him, Seth in a rage torn Osiris's body and sprinkled the parts all over Egypt.
Over time, Isis found all the pieces of Osiris's body. With the help of Anubis, Isis, briefly brought him back to life by making use of an incantation she had studied. This incantation enabled Isis to become pregnant with Horus.
Osiris in death became the king of the Afterlife. Due to his death and resurrection, the god was associated with the flooding and retreating of the Nile, and the harvests from the crops. He was understood to the Egyptians as Lord of Love.
Osiris was generally represented as a green-skinned (the color of rebirth) man with a pharaoh's beard, mummy-wrapped legs, and an Atef crown with 2 feathers at either side. He was usually portrayed holding a symbolic crook and flail.
Ancient Egyptians believed that a pharaoh joined with Osiris once he died, which meant eternal life.
Osiris's ba (soul) was worshipped on its own, specifically in the city of Mendes.
Several celebrations were held in honor of Osiris. One that was held on November 13th celebrated the fatality of the god. This was the same day that grain was planted in the ground.
The annual celebration entailed the structure of Osiris beds, formed in the form of the god, filled with soil and seeds. The growing seed was implied to represent the god rising from the dead.