Your Doctor"s Dilemma
You may be wondering, "If nutritional cures are so effective, how come my doctor hasn't told me?" Well, doctors are in the middle of a very difficult period.
Insurance companies, government agencies, liability lawyers and the health care system are some of the daily pressures that physicians face.
In addition, the giant pharmaceutical companies have a huge impact on the medical industry through their financial power, according to noted author Dr.
Andrew Saul.
The drug companies give enormous grants to medical schools and influence what is taught to medical students.
Professors also get needed money for basic research.
Who pays the piper chooses the song.
Saul also believes healing is too big a topic for any one person to know it all, including me, you, and your doctor.
"Medical doctors are called medical doctors for a reason.
They go to medical schools and they learn medicine and practice medicine.
So most medical personnel remain largely unfamiliar with non-medical treatments and tend to dismiss them without knowing about what they are dismissing.
This is a great loss to the doctor as well as to the public.
" Most doctors mean well.
But in conventional medicine, essentially all medical training deals with treating the symptoms of sickness and disease, using drugs and surgery, not in dealing with the root cause and prevention of disease.
Because the present system has a disease-care bias, the average doctor knows next to nothing about nutrition.
Only 29 of the 129 state-accredited medical schools in America require a course in nutrition.
1 Consequently, doctors receive an average of less than three hours of nutritional instruction during their four years in medical school.
2 Yet experts suggest that all medical schools should devote at least 40 hours to teaching medical students nutrition.
3 Recent studies show that only about six percent of the graduating medical students have received any training in nutrition.
4 Doctors also find themselves up against peer pressure as well as their very powerful union, the American Medical Association.
Most people are unaware that a physician can lose their license to practice medicine, be fined and possibly go to jail if they recommend simple nutrition or treat patients with anything other than drugs, radiation and surgery.
A loss of license can occur if a patient is not harmed and has not complained, and even if the condition of the patient actually improves.
5 After four years of college and another four years of medical school, and owing up to $250,000 in loans, why would a doctor take that risk? As a result, you are denied the right to choose certain treatments because our doctors often cannot offer them.
I must make something abundantly clear.
I am not in any way criticizing the noble men and women who dedicate their lives to saving lives.
The hospitals in this country are first-rate, equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and staffed with skilled technicians, nurses and physicians.
In a medical emergency, there is nowhere on earth I would rather be.
My hat is off to the established medical order when it comes to accidents, emergencies and crisis care.
However, when it comes to preventing disease and maintaining health, the medical system continues to operate in an outdated paradigm.
So take charge of your own health.
Be proactive.
Take action.
Dig for information.
The whole idea is to promote health self-reliance.
You'll be glad you did.
Vitamin Deficiency, Megadoses, and Some Supplemental History.
A letter by William Kaufman, M.
, Ph.
April 7,1992.
Vitamin Deficiency, Megadoses, and Some Supplemental History.
A letter by William Kaufman, M.
, Ph.
April 7,1992.
Strand, Ray, M.
, What Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You.
Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2002.
Francis, Raymond, M.
, Never Be Sick Again.
Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Communications, Inc.
, 2002 5.
Saul, Andrew, Ph.
, Doctor Yourself.
North Bergen, NJ: Basic Health Publications, 2003.
Insurance companies, government agencies, liability lawyers and the health care system are some of the daily pressures that physicians face.
In addition, the giant pharmaceutical companies have a huge impact on the medical industry through their financial power, according to noted author Dr.
Andrew Saul.
The drug companies give enormous grants to medical schools and influence what is taught to medical students.
Professors also get needed money for basic research.
Who pays the piper chooses the song.
Saul also believes healing is too big a topic for any one person to know it all, including me, you, and your doctor.
"Medical doctors are called medical doctors for a reason.
They go to medical schools and they learn medicine and practice medicine.
So most medical personnel remain largely unfamiliar with non-medical treatments and tend to dismiss them without knowing about what they are dismissing.
This is a great loss to the doctor as well as to the public.
" Most doctors mean well.
But in conventional medicine, essentially all medical training deals with treating the symptoms of sickness and disease, using drugs and surgery, not in dealing with the root cause and prevention of disease.
Because the present system has a disease-care bias, the average doctor knows next to nothing about nutrition.
Only 29 of the 129 state-accredited medical schools in America require a course in nutrition.
1 Consequently, doctors receive an average of less than three hours of nutritional instruction during their four years in medical school.
2 Yet experts suggest that all medical schools should devote at least 40 hours to teaching medical students nutrition.
3 Recent studies show that only about six percent of the graduating medical students have received any training in nutrition.
4 Doctors also find themselves up against peer pressure as well as their very powerful union, the American Medical Association.
Most people are unaware that a physician can lose their license to practice medicine, be fined and possibly go to jail if they recommend simple nutrition or treat patients with anything other than drugs, radiation and surgery.
A loss of license can occur if a patient is not harmed and has not complained, and even if the condition of the patient actually improves.
5 After four years of college and another four years of medical school, and owing up to $250,000 in loans, why would a doctor take that risk? As a result, you are denied the right to choose certain treatments because our doctors often cannot offer them.
I must make something abundantly clear.
I am not in any way criticizing the noble men and women who dedicate their lives to saving lives.
The hospitals in this country are first-rate, equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and staffed with skilled technicians, nurses and physicians.
In a medical emergency, there is nowhere on earth I would rather be.
My hat is off to the established medical order when it comes to accidents, emergencies and crisis care.
However, when it comes to preventing disease and maintaining health, the medical system continues to operate in an outdated paradigm.
So take charge of your own health.
Be proactive.
Take action.
Dig for information.
The whole idea is to promote health self-reliance.
You'll be glad you did.
Vitamin Deficiency, Megadoses, and Some Supplemental History.
A letter by William Kaufman, M.
, Ph.
April 7,1992.
Vitamin Deficiency, Megadoses, and Some Supplemental History.
A letter by William Kaufman, M.
, Ph.
April 7,1992.
Strand, Ray, M.
, What Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You.
Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2002.
Francis, Raymond, M.
, Never Be Sick Again.
Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Communications, Inc.
, 2002 5.
Saul, Andrew, Ph.
, Doctor Yourself.
North Bergen, NJ: Basic Health Publications, 2003.