Phone Insurance and a Nice Tip to Stay Motivated is to Know Your Daily Progress in Your Sales Career
In our careers in sales it is sometimes unavoidable that everybody at least once in a while will lose grasp and just become paralyzed into doing nothing, a feeling of worthlessness and "going no where so you might as well quit" attitude sort of overcomes you.
There are so many careers that exist and give us a living but acts like a giant leech that just sucks our energies and time dry for the other things you want to do and your family.
But you know you can't quit and what can you do but go on unless you want to find another career path, but I'm telling you, the same pressure exists where ever you go that is a legitimate business career.
So how does one go on remain enthusiastic and loving their work on a daily basis? I'm sure if you are reading this, you have already listened to motivational talks on how to focus your self and be motivated, and that's good.
I'm not saying those doesn't work, but if you think its not working as good for you like in the beginning, then there is nothing to lose to add this tip to your repertoire of motivational and goal setting activities.
At the end of each day, write down all the accomplishments you feel you have done that day and review it.
Now it doesn't work as effective by just typing it in your laptop.
Psychologist have been saying that when you write something down, it is more easily remembered and is actually embedded deeper in the subconscious than just casually typing it in a computer.
Do this every day and at the beginning of your work the other day, stop and read the progress you made yesterday so you can feel you are doing something and not just running around in circles.
You can write things like "Hired a good sales rep, got mobile insurance policies for the sales staff, finished my report, etc.
" although you may feel that getting several phone insurance policies for your staff seems a little progress compared to you closing a sale that day, still write it down because indeed, understanding the importance of mobile insurance for your sales team is a clear improvement from a business stand point.
No matter how trivial the achievement may seem, as long as it is work relevant and make you feel good and helps you feel a sense of daily achievement, writing it down and reviewing it can make wonders in your mental attitude and work productivity.
There are so many careers that exist and give us a living but acts like a giant leech that just sucks our energies and time dry for the other things you want to do and your family.
But you know you can't quit and what can you do but go on unless you want to find another career path, but I'm telling you, the same pressure exists where ever you go that is a legitimate business career.
So how does one go on remain enthusiastic and loving their work on a daily basis? I'm sure if you are reading this, you have already listened to motivational talks on how to focus your self and be motivated, and that's good.
I'm not saying those doesn't work, but if you think its not working as good for you like in the beginning, then there is nothing to lose to add this tip to your repertoire of motivational and goal setting activities.
At the end of each day, write down all the accomplishments you feel you have done that day and review it.
Now it doesn't work as effective by just typing it in your laptop.
Psychologist have been saying that when you write something down, it is more easily remembered and is actually embedded deeper in the subconscious than just casually typing it in a computer.
Do this every day and at the beginning of your work the other day, stop and read the progress you made yesterday so you can feel you are doing something and not just running around in circles.
You can write things like "Hired a good sales rep, got mobile insurance policies for the sales staff, finished my report, etc.
" although you may feel that getting several phone insurance policies for your staff seems a little progress compared to you closing a sale that day, still write it down because indeed, understanding the importance of mobile insurance for your sales team is a clear improvement from a business stand point.
No matter how trivial the achievement may seem, as long as it is work relevant and make you feel good and helps you feel a sense of daily achievement, writing it down and reviewing it can make wonders in your mental attitude and work productivity.