Ice Fishing with a Palm Rod
- 1). Hold the round end of the rod in the palm of your hand. The flat portion should be flat against your palm. Your forefinger should rest on the rod while your thumb is against the neck of the rod.
- 2). Tie an ice jig to the end of your line. Hook a wax worm to the ice jig.
- 3). Play out line until the lure rests on the bottom of the lake. You will know that your lure has reached the bottom when the strike indicator on the end of your rod becomes straight.
- 4). Raise the lure slowly off the bottom 2 to 3 feet. After the lure is 3 feet off the bottom, lower it to the bottom again.
- 5). Monitor the rod for bites. Bites will feel like a twitch coming from the end of your rod. Once you feel a bite, set the hook with a quick jerking motion and then bring your fish in.