Thyroid Disorders and Treatment
Thyroid is probably the most widely affected hormone disorder.
Thyroid is a gland situated in the throat, and it produces a hormone known as T4 (Thyroxin) and T3.
The functional importance of this hormone is underestimated by most of the people.
Thyroxin is very crucial to keep our metabolism in balance and in turn to keep the energy conversion rates in control.
There are mainly two types of Thyroid malfunction.
Hyperthyroidism: When Thyroid gland starts to produce excessive thyroxin, the condition is known as Hyperthyrodism.
The excess production of thyroid hormone will affect the metabolism and body function.
The most common and noticeable symptom is the weight loss.
Some other symptoms include bulging eyes, weakness, excessive sweatiness and irritability.
Hyperthyroidism can be treated by drugs, radioactive therapy or a surgery.
All these treatments are aimed to reduce the hormone production of thyroid gland.
Hypothyroidism: When the thyroid gland fails to produce required amount of thyroid hormone, the condition is known as hypothyroidism.
This condition results in weight gain due to reduced metabolism, hair loss, tiredness, dry skin.
The cause for the hypothyroidism may be autoimmune desease, child birth under some conditions, or conditions which necessitates thyroid gland removal.
This condition can be treated by taking a synthetic thyroid hormone substitute for life.
Regular blood checkups for TSH levels are very essential to keep the required hormone level.
Doctor will determine the correct dosage by studying the test results.
Alternative treatments: There are some alternative treatments available in the market which claims to be effective in case of hypothyroidism.
The most popular is desiccated thyroid gland which is dried thyroid gland obtained from animals.
Though there are no scientific proofs of it's effectiveness, the users have reported improvement in their condition.
Any kind of treatment must be done with consultation of your doctor.
Thyroid is a gland situated in the throat, and it produces a hormone known as T4 (Thyroxin) and T3.
The functional importance of this hormone is underestimated by most of the people.
Thyroxin is very crucial to keep our metabolism in balance and in turn to keep the energy conversion rates in control.
There are mainly two types of Thyroid malfunction.
Hyperthyroidism: When Thyroid gland starts to produce excessive thyroxin, the condition is known as Hyperthyrodism.
The excess production of thyroid hormone will affect the metabolism and body function.
The most common and noticeable symptom is the weight loss.
Some other symptoms include bulging eyes, weakness, excessive sweatiness and irritability.
Hyperthyroidism can be treated by drugs, radioactive therapy or a surgery.
All these treatments are aimed to reduce the hormone production of thyroid gland.
Hypothyroidism: When the thyroid gland fails to produce required amount of thyroid hormone, the condition is known as hypothyroidism.
This condition results in weight gain due to reduced metabolism, hair loss, tiredness, dry skin.
The cause for the hypothyroidism may be autoimmune desease, child birth under some conditions, or conditions which necessitates thyroid gland removal.
This condition can be treated by taking a synthetic thyroid hormone substitute for life.
Regular blood checkups for TSH levels are very essential to keep the required hormone level.
Doctor will determine the correct dosage by studying the test results.
Alternative treatments: There are some alternative treatments available in the market which claims to be effective in case of hypothyroidism.
The most popular is desiccated thyroid gland which is dried thyroid gland obtained from animals.
Though there are no scientific proofs of it's effectiveness, the users have reported improvement in their condition.
Any kind of treatment must be done with consultation of your doctor.