Video: How to Open a .hp2 File
Video Transcript
Hi, my name is Matthew Pierce. I'm a Software Engineer and today, I like to talk with you about opening .Hp2 files. .Hp2 files are also known as HPGL2 files which are graphic language files are meant for Hewlett Packard's plotters or any plotter that can understand them. Now, HPGL was the original graphic language that was use with the original plotters. The plotters, you would grab a, a pen and a paper, and a piece of paper and they would go, you know, pretty slowly, the languages could be, you know, not too efficient. But, once HP switched over to using basically great big inkjet printers, they would consume the data much more quickly; instead of coming up with new language, and hence, they came up with HP2. Now, HP2 is a, it can be opened by several applications, one of which is the XnView software, it's freely available, you can download it. Just Google for XnView and you'll, you'll get there. You can also get Total CAD Converter. It's another free piece of software that allows you to convert in, your HPGL or HP2 files, they're another format if you want to look at them; so, you can use that. Another one is ImageMagic. It is a command line tool. So, if you like working with the command line, it's a good one. It also converts these files. And finally, if you have any of the Corel Paintshop Pro programs like the version 4 or better, they can actually open the files up and you can look at them. So, you can see what they look like graphically. So, there's a, a wide variety of applications out there that you can use to open them up with and they're all freely available on the Internet. And also, finally, the files are SKey format, so if you wanted to, you can open them up with any text editor and look in there, see the commands if you're interested in doing that. So, my name is Matthew Pierce. Today, we talked about opening .Hp2 files. Thank you for watching.