How to Soothe Blisters
- 1). Avoid wearing clothing or participating in activities that caused the blister. Resume your activities with proper preventative measures, like socks and petroleum jelly, once the skin heals.
- 2). Wash your hands with antibacterial soap before touching a blister to prevent spreading infection.
- 3). Dab a thin layer of antibacterial ointment over the blister surface. Avoid rubbing, which can cause the blister to pop. The antibacterial ointment will minimize friction between the blister and the gauze and prevent infection.
- 4). Place the gauze loosely over the blister and secure its position with an adhesive bandage. Don't flatten the gauze directly against the skin, this creates friction which could pop the blister prematurely.
- 5). Skip the gauze at night and cover the blister with a plain adhesive bandage that allows aeration. Change gauze bandages twice a day, or whenever they become wet or dirty, until the blister heals.