Bayer Diabetic Grants
- Bayer provides two types of grant funding for diabetes-related initiatives: charitable contributions and educational grants. Charitable contribution funds can be used to help improve the quality of life for diabetics. Educational grants are primarily for educational programs run by hospitals, conferences and non-profit educational organizations.
- Bayer does not award grants to individuals, including individual diabetic patients or physician's practices. For-profit companies are not eligible. Bayer does not award charitable contributions to companies that directly purchase Bayer products, though these organizations may be eligible for educational grants.
- Programs with nationwide or international reach receive preference over more local initiatives. For educational grants, Bayer is primarily looking for applicants that help diabetics maintain healthy blood glucose control, improve current blood glucose and/or A1c monitoring technologies, and/or enhance and encourage healthy lifestyles and behaviors among diabetics. Programs funding by educational grants should ideally have audiences of endocrinologists, diabetes educators and/or diabetic patients instead of the population as a whole.
For charitable contribution funds, Bayer mainly supports therapeutic healthcare programs designed to treat or cure diabetes more effectively in a broad segment of the population. Bayer gives priority to applicants focusing on the largest number of patients and the widest geographic area. - Grant applicants must submit an application form, a write-up of the program's agenda and goals, a detailed budget and a completed W9 form from the IRS. Bayer provides application forms and a budget template on its website. Accredited programs must also include a needs assessment, an outcomes measurement plan and proof of accreditation.
- Bayer must receive completed applications at least 45 days prior to the expected start date of the program, though it strongly suggests applying a minimum of 90 days beforehand. Bayer allots a set amount for grant funding each year; once it depletes those funds, the grant application process closes until the following year. Check the Bayer website to confirm whether the company is still accepting diabetic grant applications for the current year.
Eligible Recipients
Priority Focus Areas
Application Process