How Popping And Locking Has Changed
Popping and locking are two funk styles of dancing that have been around for many decades now.
Locking was created in the late 60's by Don Campbell and popping was created by Boogaloo Sam in the 70's.
During the 70's and 80's both styles were very popular in the eras that they grew up in and they still remain popular to this day.
Popping is probably the style which is practised more worldwide of the two.
So what has changed in these dance styles over the years? One thing that you will notice with these styles is that there are many ways of doing them.
For example if you see a dance battle in either style you will see that the dancers look very different.
Both these styles came out of their neighbourhoods in California in Fresno (popping) and LA (locking) and were mostly known to the local people.
Dancers other than those who were the creators of these styles would start doing these moves and copying the dancers as they became more popular.
So in their habitats these dance styles thrived.
As these dancers moved out of the neighbourhood and travelled to other areas, these new areas too would become exposed to these dance styles.
They too would then copy these moves that they were seeing.
So gradually these styles started to spread around the country and around the world.
It was a small number of dancers or perhaps even one dancer that would start the motion in each area that they would go to.
Many of the dancers would also offer to teach others that wanted to learn to dance like them and begin teaching dance classes or just show others on an informal basis.
And thus more dancers would take it up.
Each area would have its identity because the OG dancer that exposed people to the style of dance in the first place would greatly influence the dancers around him in that precinct.
The thing was that nobody knew what was going on in other areas or what they were dancing like.
They only knew how things were where they were, and they had their own idea of how to dance the style.
And so each area developed a characteristic style of locking or popping.
The effects of this are still seen to this day and you can see variations in style throughout the world.
The difference is now there are all these battles and events that bring people together from around the world and so it is possible to see how the different people across the globe dance as they share the same stages together.
Locking was created in the late 60's by Don Campbell and popping was created by Boogaloo Sam in the 70's.
During the 70's and 80's both styles were very popular in the eras that they grew up in and they still remain popular to this day.
Popping is probably the style which is practised more worldwide of the two.
So what has changed in these dance styles over the years? One thing that you will notice with these styles is that there are many ways of doing them.
For example if you see a dance battle in either style you will see that the dancers look very different.
Both these styles came out of their neighbourhoods in California in Fresno (popping) and LA (locking) and were mostly known to the local people.
Dancers other than those who were the creators of these styles would start doing these moves and copying the dancers as they became more popular.
So in their habitats these dance styles thrived.
As these dancers moved out of the neighbourhood and travelled to other areas, these new areas too would become exposed to these dance styles.
They too would then copy these moves that they were seeing.
So gradually these styles started to spread around the country and around the world.
It was a small number of dancers or perhaps even one dancer that would start the motion in each area that they would go to.
Many of the dancers would also offer to teach others that wanted to learn to dance like them and begin teaching dance classes or just show others on an informal basis.
And thus more dancers would take it up.
Each area would have its identity because the OG dancer that exposed people to the style of dance in the first place would greatly influence the dancers around him in that precinct.
The thing was that nobody knew what was going on in other areas or what they were dancing like.
They only knew how things were where they were, and they had their own idea of how to dance the style.
And so each area developed a characteristic style of locking or popping.
The effects of this are still seen to this day and you can see variations in style throughout the world.
The difference is now there are all these battles and events that bring people together from around the world and so it is possible to see how the different people across the globe dance as they share the same stages together.