Ning Chat Options
- Users who add the chat feature to their Ning network can choose to have the chat-box module or a chat bar display on the main page of the network. To toggle between display options, click "Settings," then "Features," then "My Network." Under "Chat on Main Page," click the radio button beside the option you want. You may also select to turn on audio notifications. By default, the chat bar will display on all other network pages. Currently there is no option to change this.
- The chat box can be displayed inside of the Ning network page, known as popped in, by clicking the name of the network. Alternatively, click "pop out" to display the chat box in a new window. When popped in, the network page is partially covered by the chat box. To see the chat full-screen, click the "Chat" tab from the network page. The "Chat" tab is not available if you have not added the chat option to the network.
- As the creator or moderator of the private network chat, you have the option to clear the old chat history messages so they do not display on the screen. Click the "X" button, located just above the text-entry field, to clear the screen. If a chatter is misusing the network, an option is available to temporarily ban the member. Click the user's name in the list, then click "Suspend" and select the number of hours the user is being suspended.
- Ning network chat allows entering smileys, toggling sounds on and off as well as setting your status to "Offline" for times when you do not want to chat. Toggle chat using the person icon located in the top right of the chat box. Click any name in the user list to see his full profile or invite him to a private chat room. Both options display under the username. Exit private chat sessions by clicking the "Main" tab, which takes you back to the main network chat.
Display Options
Pop In or Out
Moderator Options
Other Options