The Best Trout Jigs
- Jigs can be used to catch trout, from rivers to the fishing image by NorthShoreSurfPhotos from
Field and Stream Magazine says that jigs are "the most versatile of all trout lures," and can be "extraordinarily effective in waters ranging from tiny creeks to major rivers, as well as in most trout ponds and lakes." Whens it comes to jigs, there are myriad choices in size, color and movement combinations. - Mini jig sizes range from 1/64 to 1/8 of an ounce, just heavy enough to reach the bottom in whatever speed current you're fishing. Interchangeable plastic tube or grub-style bodies fit over the hook and snug up next to the jig's head to add some color and movement to the bait. For trout, the best tube colors are black, white, tan, olive, brown and other earthy colors, as the brighter, flashier colors are generally better for catching panfish like crappie and bream.
- Fishing outfitters Excellent Adventures say that lead jigs are "by far the most effective lure for all around fishing." In particular, Excellent Adventures guides recommend using Road Runner marabou-style jigs. Road Runner jigs come in a variety of colors and have a small spinning blade attached to the head to trigger strikes. Excellent Adventures says: "On days when the standard jig does not work, the roadrunner seems to take over."
- According to Nick Simmons, a fly-tying expert at Fishing Buddy, custom made jigs modeled on the Woolybugger fly can be effective in triggering quality bites. His version uses a 1/64-ounce gold jig head with black marabou and hackle material to give the jig some movement in the water. Tying jigs requires some practice and some equipment, but Simmons says this pattern is both simple to learn and easy to customize.
Mini Jigs
Road Runners
Custom-Tied Jigs