Marrying an African Woman? You will never regret it
African women are generally known to work hard; they struggle to make a living. Africa is a continent where women work hard to aid their husbands and sustain the family. African women are known for this. With an African woman as your wife, your mind is relaxed and you have a reason to believe that all is well. Back in the African continent, women are seen carrying loads jumping in and out of commercial buses even with children strapped to their backs.
Once married, an African woman stays with her husband and considers the contract for life. You always have her by you for life; it is therefore a life-time venture. Marriage is never taken for granted by the entire African society. A woman who is getting married knows that she is leaving her parent's home to take up a new family home. This accounts for the reason a father is assured and reassured before drinking from the wine presented by his in-laws. He gets tangible affirmation from his daughter on whether to drink from it or not. Only a go-ahead for the third or fourth time will convince him to take some sips from it fully aware that that a sip is like giving out the rights of his child as far as the marriage is concerned.
When a child exists between couples, it becomes a more solid basis why the marriage must not break down irretrievably. A woman does all she can to sustain the union based on the link that exists. Because children are very dear to their mothers, an African married woman often asks herself the place of her children in life if her marriage breaks down. It is also a continent that only a handful couples take their matters to a competent court of law to resolve issues bothering on their union. To an African woman therefore, the court offers the "Last Bus stop" for the final settlement of marriage related issues.
An African woman will prefer to remain separated than seek divorce in a law court because she has a lot more to either contend with or protect. Her children become her major consideration. Have you considered that until recently that the western law is fast overcoming the continent, an African man or woman may decide to remarry even without a legal divorce ticket from any known court yet her estranged husband will never bother? The same is applicable in a situation whereby divorced or separated women never bother to drop her husband's family name and go back on her maiden name. All of these happen in Africa where marriage is held sacred.
Marriage is the ultimate for the African woman and bearing children becomes her major concern for life. It is always painful to a woman that has not born a child because children are considered the one vital reason for entering into a marriage in this part of the world. It is not often heard of any known agreement between couple to enter into a marriage that will last for better for worse without making babies. It is just too strange and often known to occur among our European brothers and sisters but certainly not in Africa. Africans are just too wise for that and believe that children must arrive after a marriage and marriage is the only ordained sacred union for a man and woman.
Once married, an African woman stays with her husband and considers the contract for life. You always have her by you for life; it is therefore a life-time venture. Marriage is never taken for granted by the entire African society. A woman who is getting married knows that she is leaving her parent's home to take up a new family home. This accounts for the reason a father is assured and reassured before drinking from the wine presented by his in-laws. He gets tangible affirmation from his daughter on whether to drink from it or not. Only a go-ahead for the third or fourth time will convince him to take some sips from it fully aware that that a sip is like giving out the rights of his child as far as the marriage is concerned.
When a child exists between couples, it becomes a more solid basis why the marriage must not break down irretrievably. A woman does all she can to sustain the union based on the link that exists. Because children are very dear to their mothers, an African married woman often asks herself the place of her children in life if her marriage breaks down. It is also a continent that only a handful couples take their matters to a competent court of law to resolve issues bothering on their union. To an African woman therefore, the court offers the "Last Bus stop" for the final settlement of marriage related issues.
An African woman will prefer to remain separated than seek divorce in a law court because she has a lot more to either contend with or protect. Her children become her major consideration. Have you considered that until recently that the western law is fast overcoming the continent, an African man or woman may decide to remarry even without a legal divorce ticket from any known court yet her estranged husband will never bother? The same is applicable in a situation whereby divorced or separated women never bother to drop her husband's family name and go back on her maiden name. All of these happen in Africa where marriage is held sacred.
Marriage is the ultimate for the African woman and bearing children becomes her major concern for life. It is always painful to a woman that has not born a child because children are considered the one vital reason for entering into a marriage in this part of the world. It is not often heard of any known agreement between couple to enter into a marriage that will last for better for worse without making babies. It is just too strange and often known to occur among our European brothers and sisters but certainly not in Africa. Africans are just too wise for that and believe that children must arrive after a marriage and marriage is the only ordained sacred union for a man and woman.