Puppy Problems - Eliminating All Around the House
What to look out for and what to do.
Watch out for signs of your puppy sniffing around in the corners of the rooms or round the table legs, it is probably looking for a nice spot to wee/eliminate in.
If you suspect anything pick up your puppy and take it outside the house and wait patiently for it to do its thing, then pile on the praise, make a fuss, let it know you are pleased.
Make a note of the times this happens, hopefully it will be quite regular, if you feed your puppy the same times each day it should want to go do its toilet at the same time each day.
However with water freely available you will have to keep an eye on it until it gets into a routine.
Another tip is to use the same door each time you take it outside, eventually it will be at the door before you, it may even be scratching at the door to let you know it wants to go out.
It might be a good idea to fence off certain rooms so that your puppy is confined to one or two rooms, this will protect some of your rooms from accidents, they do happen.
You could also schedule your daily dog attention, making routines; dogs love to know what is happening and who is in charge.
As I said earlier there will be accidents, so be prepared.
Do not fly off the handle; try not to be too harsh.
You could make your puppy nervous of you and that would be a backward step.
How you deal with this situation is the basis of your puppies training.
You must be in control but your puppy must trust you.
You are the alpha but teach with a caring attitude.
If you are not available on a regular basis, we all have to work; Make sure whoever deputizes for you follow the same methodology you yourself use.
Differing behaviour from humans will confuse your puppy, confusion leads to accidents.
"It's Just Good Sense.
Watch out for signs of your puppy sniffing around in the corners of the rooms or round the table legs, it is probably looking for a nice spot to wee/eliminate in.
If you suspect anything pick up your puppy and take it outside the house and wait patiently for it to do its thing, then pile on the praise, make a fuss, let it know you are pleased.
Make a note of the times this happens, hopefully it will be quite regular, if you feed your puppy the same times each day it should want to go do its toilet at the same time each day.
However with water freely available you will have to keep an eye on it until it gets into a routine.
Another tip is to use the same door each time you take it outside, eventually it will be at the door before you, it may even be scratching at the door to let you know it wants to go out.
It might be a good idea to fence off certain rooms so that your puppy is confined to one or two rooms, this will protect some of your rooms from accidents, they do happen.
You could also schedule your daily dog attention, making routines; dogs love to know what is happening and who is in charge.
As I said earlier there will be accidents, so be prepared.
Do not fly off the handle; try not to be too harsh.
You could make your puppy nervous of you and that would be a backward step.
How you deal with this situation is the basis of your puppies training.
You must be in control but your puppy must trust you.
You are the alpha but teach with a caring attitude.
If you are not available on a regular basis, we all have to work; Make sure whoever deputizes for you follow the same methodology you yourself use.
Differing behaviour from humans will confuse your puppy, confusion leads to accidents.
"It's Just Good Sense.