Home Wine Making Step By Step
Everyone thinks that they can make something for cheaper and better than a local eatery can.
Have you ever heard Eddie Murphy speak about his better-than-McDonald's day? Eddie claimed that all of the neighbor children would run over to get hamburgers at McDonald's.
Then, they would come home, and do a happy dance while singing, "We got McDonald's...
and you...
don't!" Eddie claims he ran inside the house and asked for money to buy a McDonald's hamburger.
Instead, his mother makes a huge, three-quarter pound beef, green pepper, and onion burger, and places it between two slices of Wonder Bread.
Eddie is then forced outside, while the McDonald's hamburger eaters all ask him where he got the big welfare burger from! As with all foods, we sometimes believe we may have the possibility to make something better than one could buy in a store.
So is true with alcohol - specifically, wines.
Now, how hard can winemaking be, right? Squeeze a bunch of grapes, add some yeast, ferment it for a while, and then enjoy - right? Well, close, but there is a bit more to it than that.
However, it truly is something that can be done by the common man (or woman)! There are several simple steps to be taken before beginning the wine making process.
One - you truly must sterilize all of your equipment, including the jar you plan to ferment the wine in! A quick hot water bath (that is, boiling water people!) is all that is necessary.
If using a wine making kit, then this is the time to add the grape juice concentrate.
Once in, add the proper amount of water to the concentrate, and then move on to dissolving sugar in water to make a sugar solution.
Once a sugar solution is made, add it to the jar.
Next, add the remaining water to the jar, and then bring on the big gun - the one thing that will get this party started - the yeast! Once the yeast is in, you need to cork the jar, using a special airlock seal cork.
This is usually called an airlock and rubber bung.
Have you ever heard Eddie Murphy speak about his better-than-McDonald's day? Eddie claimed that all of the neighbor children would run over to get hamburgers at McDonald's.
Then, they would come home, and do a happy dance while singing, "We got McDonald's...
and you...
don't!" Eddie claims he ran inside the house and asked for money to buy a McDonald's hamburger.
Instead, his mother makes a huge, three-quarter pound beef, green pepper, and onion burger, and places it between two slices of Wonder Bread.
Eddie is then forced outside, while the McDonald's hamburger eaters all ask him where he got the big welfare burger from! As with all foods, we sometimes believe we may have the possibility to make something better than one could buy in a store.
So is true with alcohol - specifically, wines.
Now, how hard can winemaking be, right? Squeeze a bunch of grapes, add some yeast, ferment it for a while, and then enjoy - right? Well, close, but there is a bit more to it than that.
However, it truly is something that can be done by the common man (or woman)! There are several simple steps to be taken before beginning the wine making process.
One - you truly must sterilize all of your equipment, including the jar you plan to ferment the wine in! A quick hot water bath (that is, boiling water people!) is all that is necessary.
If using a wine making kit, then this is the time to add the grape juice concentrate.
Once in, add the proper amount of water to the concentrate, and then move on to dissolving sugar in water to make a sugar solution.
Once a sugar solution is made, add it to the jar.
Next, add the remaining water to the jar, and then bring on the big gun - the one thing that will get this party started - the yeast! Once the yeast is in, you need to cork the jar, using a special airlock seal cork.
This is usually called an airlock and rubber bung.