The Surefire Piece of Advice That Will Make Your Ex Regret Breaking Up With You!
The best way to make your ex regret breaking up with you is for you to give them a reason to miss being with you.
Oh sure, you are liking thinking, I'll bet it is really that simple.
Well, simple it is, but easy to advice to follow, not so much.
The best way to make someone miss you is to become absent in their life.
With that logic in mind, this is how you will make them miss you, and thus, make your ex regret breaking up with you.
Besides, if you think about it as objectively as possible, you will have to admit to yourself that the time right after a breakup isn't the greatest time to start a reunion.
And nor is begging, pleading, or quasi-stalking your ex the way to make them regret breaking up with you.
So you need to back off.
This will allow you some time to get over your hurt and do a little soul searching that will, in the end, be part of what has to be done to make your ex miss you like crazy.
You shouldn't spend this time wallowing, as this is not the way to perk interest in the mind of your ex.
You need go out, look your best, and hit the town with your friends.
As angry as you are at the moment, you need to have a good time, and DO NOT make the fatal mistake of having a trash fest with your friends about your ex - this will get back to them and not only will it make you look immature, it will ruin your chances together.
So when you go out, only say nice things.
Even mention that you miss him or her and wouldn't mind giving them a second chance, but don't dwell on it, and don't spend the entire night talking your friends' ears off about him or her.
Word will get back to them that you are still interested.
Though you aren't calling, which is baffling them beyond belief.
Continue on in this fashion and before long you will make your ex regret breaking up with you.
They will see that you are not acting as they thought you would - calling them constantly and pleading for another chance - and you are out looking great and having a fantastic time, without them.
They will realize what a fun person you are to be with and also that their chance to get back with you won't last forever.
You can bet they'll take that chance before it is too late.
Oh sure, you are liking thinking, I'll bet it is really that simple.
Well, simple it is, but easy to advice to follow, not so much.
The best way to make someone miss you is to become absent in their life.
With that logic in mind, this is how you will make them miss you, and thus, make your ex regret breaking up with you.
Besides, if you think about it as objectively as possible, you will have to admit to yourself that the time right after a breakup isn't the greatest time to start a reunion.
And nor is begging, pleading, or quasi-stalking your ex the way to make them regret breaking up with you.
So you need to back off.
This will allow you some time to get over your hurt and do a little soul searching that will, in the end, be part of what has to be done to make your ex miss you like crazy.
You shouldn't spend this time wallowing, as this is not the way to perk interest in the mind of your ex.
You need go out, look your best, and hit the town with your friends.
As angry as you are at the moment, you need to have a good time, and DO NOT make the fatal mistake of having a trash fest with your friends about your ex - this will get back to them and not only will it make you look immature, it will ruin your chances together.
So when you go out, only say nice things.
Even mention that you miss him or her and wouldn't mind giving them a second chance, but don't dwell on it, and don't spend the entire night talking your friends' ears off about him or her.
Word will get back to them that you are still interested.
Though you aren't calling, which is baffling them beyond belief.
Continue on in this fashion and before long you will make your ex regret breaking up with you.
They will see that you are not acting as they thought you would - calling them constantly and pleading for another chance - and you are out looking great and having a fantastic time, without them.
They will realize what a fun person you are to be with and also that their chance to get back with you won't last forever.
You can bet they'll take that chance before it is too late.