The Area in Order to and As Part Up the Procedure
The area in order to and as part up the procedure I will turn that into intermediate repair if its single layer think I because I into treatment increases the level of complexity but let's say I got a laceration here and I've got to breed mid up here but not part over even though it's in the same general area I need to know that case a position you're going to want total me that the you know the laceration was four centimeters you know just billion or through the elbow but that the debris met was beyond.
The laceration and you know into it 20 centimeters that elsewhere on the R because now I can call both otherwise I can't bill the if the debris man is in the same area I'm not going to know that I can bill it separately then we think that I have to bundle it into the procedure and their significant these days no significant additional reimbursement for debris tent basically to breed me our views went up like 50-60 percent they redefined breeder will talk about little bit that the Dr view values went up dramatically but it's related to how much spy how much a.m. body surface area you have to break so five got you know that your road rash.
You know the motorcycle accident you know the guy hits the road going like that I've got 20 centimeters over here and I get 20 centimeters over here I need to know both the Blues those locations and total body surface area for each because I can report them separately and now I get paid visor square centimeter almost Dec okay so tell me whenever to remains outside the area above the repair and then we always want to know mechanism because Garcinia Cambogia Infusion it helps us determine complexity %uh repair you know if it was a Stella lack or if it was a I you know it was a sheer force injury Mesa rated tissue you down to the bone so you know if we just need to know how it happened I chainsaw accident you know that's complies all kind of infection possibilities and and so like we need to know that stuff been I guess what I'm saying is don't bury don't leave it up in the triage note did bring it down into procedure no her don't leave it in the nursing.
The laceration and you know into it 20 centimeters that elsewhere on the R because now I can call both otherwise I can't bill the if the debris man is in the same area I'm not going to know that I can bill it separately then we think that I have to bundle it into the procedure and their significant these days no significant additional reimbursement for debris tent basically to breed me our views went up like 50-60 percent they redefined breeder will talk about little bit that the Dr view values went up dramatically but it's related to how much spy how much a.m. body surface area you have to break so five got you know that your road rash.
You know the motorcycle accident you know the guy hits the road going like that I've got 20 centimeters over here and I get 20 centimeters over here I need to know both the Blues those locations and total body surface area for each because I can report them separately and now I get paid visor square centimeter almost Dec okay so tell me whenever to remains outside the area above the repair and then we always want to know mechanism because Garcinia Cambogia Infusion it helps us determine complexity %uh repair you know if it was a Stella lack or if it was a I you know it was a sheer force injury Mesa rated tissue you down to the bone so you know if we just need to know how it happened I chainsaw accident you know that's complies all kind of infection possibilities and and so like we need to know that stuff been I guess what I'm saying is don't bury don't leave it up in the triage note did bring it down into procedure no her don't leave it in the nursing.