How to Make a Canvas Goose Decoy
- 1). Cut your foam blocks into approximately 12 inch by 12 inch sections. These blocks will be used to form the bodies of your decoys, so be sure that you cut them in large enough sections.
- 2). Sketch out your basic goose outline on your foam block. It does not need to be exact, just the general shape of the goose. Make sure that you sketch as accurately as possible, and this will be your guide as you shape the decoy.
- 3). Trim away the larger sections of your foam block with the knife, carefully following the outline that you have sketched. Take care not to cut yourself as your trim your decoy.
- 4). Sand the rough edges of your decoy. Use a small grit sandpaper to avoid taking too much off of your foam body. You can use the sandpaper to remove thin layers of foam from areas too small for your knife.
- 5). Lay your decoy on a section of your canvas, and trim around the decoy, leaving at least 4 inches all the way around your foam. You will need to cut your canvas large enough to completely cover your decoy, so trim accordingly.
- 6). Place your canvas on a flat surface and apply a thin layer of glue to the back side of the fabric. Be sure that you coat the entire surface of the canvas to assure that your material bonds well to your foam.
- 7). Set your decoy top-side down on your canvas, and pull the material firmly over the body of your decoy. Smooth out any lumps or air pockets so that the fabric attaches completely to your foam. You will need to work quickly to keep your hot glue from cooling off and not sticking.
- 8). Pull one corner of your canvas to the bottom of your foam. Apply a small bead of glue to the canvas using your hot glue gun, and hold the canvas firmly against the foam until the glue sets.
- 9). Continue folding over and gluing the remaining loose edges until all of your fabric is firmly glued over your foam decoy body. Make sure that you hold your canvas pieces securely until the hot glue sets up.
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Paint your canvas decoy with colors appropriate for the species of goose that your decoy is modeled after. You do not need to be exact in your details, but your decoy should bear a similar color pattern to the actual bird to get the best results. - 11
Coat your decoy in a layer of waterproofing spray and allow the spray to dry thoroughly. This waterproofing will allow your decoy to float without sinking, and will allow you to attract more geese during your hunting adventures.