How to Deep Condition your Hair Using Mayo and Eggs
- 1). Begin with a medium sized bowl and mix together 1 cup of any brand mayo and 2 eggs.
- 2). Begin with dry and dirty hair and begin massaging the mixture at the roots and work your way down to the ends. Each strand of hair should be coated with the mayo and egg mixture.
- 3). Throw a towel into the dry for about 10 minutes or until hot. Throw the hair into a ball at the top of the head, twist, and wrap the towel around the head. If not secure, clip it tight with a hair clip.
- 4). Leave the towel on your head for at least 2 hours. You can also leave the mixture in the hair overnight and wash in the morning. You may have to wash with shampoo twice to completely remove all of the mixture.
Results? Soft, managable and healthy hair!