Try These 15 Superfoods to Boost Your Fertility + Recipes!
Fertility Foods to Boost Your Odds of Conception + Recipes!
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
Fertility and diet are hot topics, and fertility superfoods are part of that craze. Can eating certain foods boost your fertility?
While researchers have found that unhealthy diets can harm fertility, whether or not particular foods can boost fertility is unclear (and probably unlikely.)
And no research has found that a particular food or diet can “cure” infertility.
However, this is what we do know about fertility and food:
With that in mind, here are 15 foods that may boost your fertility, plus tips on how to get more of them in your diet!
Some disclaimers:
Now, onto the fertility foods!
Sunflower Seeds and Sunflower Seed Butter for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Sunflower seed kernels, roasted without salt
Not into sunflower seeds? Consider some sunflower seed butter!
Why It May Boost Fertility
Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E.
Supplementation with vitamin E has been shown to boost male fertility. Specifically, it’s been shown to boost sperm motility, improve sperm counts, and improve DNA fragmentation.
Sunflowers are also a great source of many other fertility friendly nutrients.
One ounce will give you:
Sunflower seeds are also a good source of the fatty acids omega 3 and 6.
How to Get More in Your Diet
Here are some ways to eat more sunflower seeds:
Fresh Grapefruit and Orange Juice for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Freshly squeezed grapefruit juice and orange juice
Why It May Boost Fertility
Grapefruit juice and orange juice are very high in the polyamine putrescine, which may improve semen health.
Putrescine may also improve egg health.
In one study, when older female rats were given water rich in putrescine in the time just before and up to ovulation, the rate of chromosomal defects in the ovulated eggs decreased by more than 50%...
It may be that putrescine helps both egg and sperm cells maintain their chromosomal integrity.
Another possible benefit to drinking grapefruit or orange juice is the boost in vitamin C. Some research has found that low vitamin C levels can negatively affect female hormonal balance.
How to Get More in Your Diet
Caution: Grapefruit juice is known to increase the effects of some medications, in some cases to dangerous levels.
If you’re taking any kind of medication, speak to your doctor about whether grapefruit juice is safe for you.
Recipes you might try:
Eat Mature Cheeses for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Mature cheeses, like mature cheddar, parmesan and manchego
Why It May Boost Fertility
Mature cheese are high in polymines. Polymines are proteins found in plant and animal products. They are also naturally occurring in humans.
Research has found that polymines may play an important role in the reproductive system.
Mature cheese is specifically high in the polymine putrescine, which may play a role in sperm health.
Putrescine is also suspected of improving egg health, especially in women 35 and older.
How to Get More in Your Diet
Be careful with portion control when adding cheese to your diet! A small amount packs in a lot of calories and saturated fat.
So enjoy... just within reason.
Possible recipes to consider:
Full Fat Yogurt and Ice Cream for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Full fat dairy products, like whole milk, full fat yogurt, ice cream, cream cheese, and other cheese
Why It May Boost Fertility
A Harvard study found that women who ate full fat dairy products were less likely to experience ovulation problems than women who ate primarily low fat dairy products.
In this study, low fat dairy products included skim or low fat milk, sherbet, yogurt, and cottage cheese.
Full fat products included whole milk, ice cream, cream cheese, and other cheese.
How to Get More in Your Diet
The easiest way to get a serving a full fat dairy into your diet is to switch to whole milk instead of low fat milk. (Easy only if you already have milk in your morning tea or cereal.)
Or, if you’re a yogurt kind of gal, switch to full fat yogurt instead of the low fat varieties.
An occasional serving of full fat ice cream can make a nice treat, just be sure to take into account the extra calories in your diet. If you’re going for ice cream, limit yourself to one to two servings per week.
Remember that being overweight can negatively affect fertility, so you don’t want to overdo it here.
Recipes you might try:
Eat More Cow Liver for a Fertility Boost
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Liver, most especially from cow. Other organ meats may have similar health benefits.
Why It May Boost Fertility
Cow liver is high in many nutrients that are vital to reproductive health.
One serving of cow liver (68 grams) contains:
How to Get More in Your Diet
Here are some recipes to try:
Cooked Tomatoes for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Cooked tomatoes, like you might have in tomato sauce or tomato soup
Why It May Boost Fertility
Cooked tomatoes are high in the nutrient lycopene, a powerful antioxidant.
Lycopene has been extensively studied for its potential role in improving male fertility. Lycopene supplementation has even been researched as a possible treatment for male infertility.
One study found that supplementation of 4 to 8 mg of lycopene per day for 8 to 12 months led to improved semen health and increased pregnancy rates.
How to Get More in Your Diet
While both raw and cooked tomatoes contain lycopene, one cup of cooked tomatoes contains almost twice as much lycopene as one cup of raw tomatoes.
So when you can, opt for the cooked tomato recipes. But tomatoes in any form are still good for you!
Here are some recipes to try:
Lentils and Beans for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Lentils and beans, all kinds of beans but especially black beans
Why It May Boost Fertility
Beans and lentils are a good source of protein, and research has found that women who get more of their protein from plant based sources instead of animal sources are less likely to experience ovulation problems.
Lentils contain high levels of the polyamine spermidine, which may help sperm fertilize the egg.
Interestingly, research has found that spermidine levels are markedly lower in the seminal ejaculate of men experiencing low sperm counts, when compared to men with healthier semen.
Lentils and beans are also a good source of folate, a very important nutrient for conception and healthy embryos.
Beans and lentils are also a good source of fiber. Getting enough fiber in your diet is key to healthy hormonal balance.
How to Get More in Your Diet
Consider replacing one or two meat meals with lentil or bean based meals. You can also try throwing some beans into your salad instead of cheese or meat.
Here are some recipes to try:
Asparagus for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Cooked asparagus
Why It May Boost Fertility
Asparagus is a nutrient packed superfood. It’s low calorie, will fill you up, and gives you a boost of fertility vital nutrients.
One cup of boiled asparagus will get you:
How to Get More in Your Diet
Avoid canned asparagus that is full of salt. Reach for fresh or frozen. If you want to go canned, look for low sodium options.
Recipes to try:
Pomegranate for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Why It May Boost Fertility
Oysters appear on just about every fertility food list, and for good reason. They are packed with fertility boosting nutrients!
A serving size of 6 raw oysters contains only 139 calories, but all these important reproductive vitamins and minerals:
How to Get More in Your Diet
Many people feel intimidated by oyster preparation, but you don’t have to be. You can prepare and serve this dish at home.
The healthiest option is raw, but not everyone can stomach the idea of raw oysters.
Walnuts for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Pomegranate seeds and juice, most especially the juice
Why It May Boost Fertility
Pomegranates have long been associated with fertility and birth due to their many seeds. This is not a scientific reason to indulge in pomegranates, but still an interesting one!
As for science, pomegranate is high in antioxidants, which may boost male fertility.
Most research on pomegranates and fertility has taken place in rats.
Studies have found that pomegranate juice and pomegranate extract may improve sperm concentration and motility after several weeks.
One study has looked at the effect in humans.
Seventy adult men who didn’t have healthy enough sperm to donate to a sperm bank – but were not suffering from low sperm count – took tablets containing pomegranate fruit extract and powder of Galanga Root.
After three months of treatment, sperm motility improved by 60%.
How to Get More in Your Diet
Eggs for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Why It May Boost Fertility
Healthy fats are an important part of overall health but also healthy reproductive health.
Walnuts are rich in omega-3’s and omega-6’s, and this is part of what led researchers to consider whether they might boost fertility.
In this small but interesting study, 117 men were randomly assigned to one of two groups. In the control group, men were told to continue their normal diet but avoid all tree nuts.
In the experimental group, the men were told to continue with their normal diets but also eat a premeasured package of walnuts each day.
Each package contained 75 grams of whole shelled walnuts. That’s about a half a cup.
The walnut-eating men experienced improvements in semen health. In particular, sperm vitality, motility, and morphology improved.
How to Get More in Your Diet
Consider replacing your afternoon snack with a serving of walnuts!
Or, give these recipes a try:
Pineapple for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Eggs, most especially the yolk
Why It May Boost Fertility
Eggs are a good source of B-vitamins, which are important for fertility.
Omega-3 fats are important for fertility as well, and you can get a boost from the omega-enriched eggs. They cost a little extra but are well worth it if you don’t eat much fish.
Another good reason to eat eggs: they are an inexpensive source of lean protein, which has also been found to be good for fertility in men and women.
Eggs contain choline, and some research indicates choline may reduce the risk of some birth defects. Other studies have not found this.
How to Get More in Your Diet
Many dieting experts recommend throwing out the yellow and eating just the whites of the egg. Don’t do that!
When you’re trying to boost fertility, you want the nutrients contained in the yellow. If you’re trying to lose weight, just cut back on calories somewhere else in your day.
Recipes to consider trying:
Salmon for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Why It May Boost Fertility
There’s a very common belief that eating pineapple core for 5 days following ovulation or embryo transfer (during IVF) will help with implantation.
But there’s absolutely no science to back this practice that up.
With that said, there are other good reasons to enjoy pineapple when you’re trying to conceive.
For one, it’s a good source of vitamin-C.
One cup will give you 46% of your daily-recommended value. Low vitamin-C levels have been associated with PCOS.
Vitamin-C may also help boost male fertility. One study found that supplementation with vitamin-C helped boost sperm quality in heavy smokers.
(Though if you’re smoking, a much better plan to boost your fertility is to quit smoking. Sometimes the obvious just has to be said...)
Pineapples contain bromelain, a natural enzyme that may have an anti-inflammatory effect. But there’s currently no research to suggest this can improve fertility.
How to Get More in Your Diet
Pineapple is a low calorie fruit that can satisfy your sweet tooth in a much healthier way than candy can. So why not enjoy?
Cinnamon for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Wild-caught salmon – yes, wild caught, not farmed
It is worth spending the extra money for the healthiest variety!
Why It May Boost Fertility
Salmon is on just about every superfood list – fertility focused or not. We all need more fish in your diets, and wild-caught salmon is pretty much a perfect pick.
You need to be careful about mercury contamination in fish when you’re trying to conceive and once you get pregnant.
But wild-caught salmon is on the low end when it comes to toxins.
Salmon is rich in essential fatty acids and omega-3s, which has been shown to be beneficial to fertility in men and women.
It’s also a must have nutrient during pregnancy for healthy fetal growth. So you might as well add it to your menu now, you’ll be eating it for a while!
Other important reproductive nutrients found in salmon are vitamin-D and selenium. Selenium has been shown to be important for semen healthy, and low vitamin-D levels seem to be associated with poor fertility in men and women.
In fact, salmon is one of the very best food sources of vitamin-D. Just three ounces of smoked salmon will give you 97% of the daily-recommended value for vitamin-D.
How to Get More in Your Diet
There are so many yummy and healthy ways to prepare salmon. Aim to make fish a regular part of your weekly meal plans.
More Ways to Boost Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Cinnamon, the spice
Why It May Boost Fertility
Insulin resistance is associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a common cause of infertility in women.
Cinnamon supplementation has been shown in a number of studied to improve a variety of health factors in those with diabetes. In one randomized controlled clinical trial, cinnamon was found to reduce glucose levels, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol (that’s the “bad” kind), and total cholesterol in patients with diabetes.
This led to researchers wondering if cinnamon could be good for fertility.
In a small but interesting study, 45 women with PCOS were either told to take a cinnamon supplement or a placebo for six months.
The women who got the cinnamon showed improved ovulation and menstrual regularity, while those who got the placebo showed no improvements.
How to Get More in Your Diet
Sprinkle cinnamon on your morning oatmeal, on top of your yogurt, or into your tea or coffee.
Here are some recipes to try:
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
Like this article?Here are more ways to improve your health and boost fertility!
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Afeiche M1, Williams PL, Mendiola J, Gaskins AJ, Jørgensen N, Swan SH, Chavarro JE. “Dairy food intake in relation to semen quality and reproductive hormone levels among physically active young men.” Hum Reprod. 2013 Aug;28(8):2265-75. doi: 10.1093/humrep/det133. Epub 2013 May 12.
Atiya Ali M1, Poortvliet E, Strömberg R, Yngve A. “Polyamines in foods: development of a food database.” Food Nutr Res. 2011 Jan 14;55. doi: 10.3402/fnr.v55i0.5572.
Arcaniolo D1, Favilla V, Tiscione D, Pisano F, Bozzini G, Creta M, Gentile G, Menchini Fabris F, Pavan N, Veneziano IA, Cai T. “Is there a place for nutritional supplements in the treatment of idiopathic male infertility?” Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2014 Sep 30;86(3):164-70. doi: 10.4081/aiua.2014.3.164.
Bauer MA1, Carmona-Gutiérrez D, Ruckenstuhl C, Reisenbichler A, Megalou EV, Eisenberg T, Magnes C, Jungwirth H, Sinner FM, Pieber TR, Fröhlich KU, Kroemer G, Tavernarakis N, Madeo F. “Spermidine promotes mating and fertilization efficiency in model organisms.” Cell Cycle. 2013 Jan 15;12(2):346-52. doi: 10.4161/cc.23199. Epub 2012 Jan 15.
Chavarro JE1, Rich-Edwards JW, Rosner B, Willett WC. “A prospective study of dairy foods intake and anovulatory infertility.” Hum Reprod. 2007 May;22(5):1340-7. Epub 2007 Feb 28
Durairajanayagam D, Agarwal A1, Ong C, Prashast P. “Lycopene and male infertility.” Asian J Androl. 2014 May-Jun;16(3):420-5. doi: 10.4103/1008-682X.126384.
Fedder MD1, Jakobsen HB2, Giversen I2, Christensen LP3, Parner ET4, Fedder J5. “An extract of pomegranate fruit and galangal rhizome increases the numbers of motile sperm: a prospective, randomised, controlled, double-blinded trial.” PLoS One. 2014 Oct 2;9(9):e108532. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0108532. eCollection 2014.
Kar A, Bose A, Das R. Effect of m-xylohydroquinone on the genital organs and fertility of male rats. J. Reprod. Fertility. 1963;(5):77-81.
Kumar D, Kumar A, Prakash O. “Potential antifertility agents from plants: a comprehensive review.” J Ethnopharmacol. 2012 Mar 6;140(1):1-32. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2011.12.039. Epub 2012 Jan 5. Review.
Kort DH1, Lobo RA1. “Preliminary evidence that cinnamon improves menstrual cyclicity in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized controlled trial.” Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2014 Nov;211(5):487.e1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2014.05.009. Epub 2014 May 9.
Kurdoglu Z1, Ozkol H, Tuluce Y, Koyuncu I. “Oxidative status and its relation with insulin resistance in young non-obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome.” J Endocrinol Invest. 2012 Mar;35(3):317-21. doi: 10.3275/7682. Epub 2011 Apr 26.
Lefèvre PL, Palin MF, Murphy BD. “Polyamines on the reproductive landscape.” Endocr Rev. 2011 Oct;32(5):694-712. doi: 10.1210/er.2011-0012. Epub 2011 Jul 26.
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. (2012, November 26). Fertility: Putrescine water may be fountain of youth for human eggs. ScienceDaily. Retrieved January 22, 2015 from
Mills JL1, Fan R1, Brody LC1, Liu A1, Ueland PM1, Wang Y1, Kirke PN1, Shane B1, Molloy AM1. “Maternal choline concentrations during pregnancy and choline-related genetic variants as risk factors for neural tube defects.” Am J Clin Nutr. 2014 Oct;100(4):1069-74. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.113.079319. Epub 2014 Aug 13.
Robbins WA, Xun L, FitzGerald LZ, Esguerra S, Henning SM, Carpenter CL. “Walnuts improve semen quality in men consuming a Western-style diet: randomized control dietary intervention trial.” Biol Reprod. 2012 Oct 25;87(4):101. doi: 10.1095/biolreprod.112.101634. Print 2012 Oct.
Sahbaz A1, Aynioglu O2, Isik H3, Ozmen U4, Cengil O5, Gun BD6, Gungorduk K7. “Bromelain: A natural proteolytic for intra-abdominal adhesion prevention.” Int J Surg. 2015 Jan 6;14C:7-11. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2014.12.024. [Epub ahead of print]
Türk G1, Sönmez M, Aydin M, Yüce A, Gür S, Yüksel M, Aksu EH, Aksoy H. “Effects of pomegranate juice consumption on sperm quality, spermatogenic cell density, antioxidant activity and testosterone level in male rats.” Clin Nutr. 2008 Apr;27(2):289-96. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2007.12.006. Epub 2008 Jan 28.
Zhao YC1, Chi YJ, Yu YS, Liu JL, Su RW, Ma XH, Shan CH, Yang ZM. “Polyamines are essential in embryo implantation: expression and function of polyamine-related genes in mouse uterus during peri-implantation period.” Endocrinology. 2008 May;149(5):2325-32. doi: 10.1210/en.2007-1420. Epub 2008 Jan 17.
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
Fertility and diet are hot topics, and fertility superfoods are part of that craze. Can eating certain foods boost your fertility?
While researchers have found that unhealthy diets can harm fertility, whether or not particular foods can boost fertility is unclear (and probably unlikely.)
And no research has found that a particular food or diet can “cure” infertility.
However, this is what we do know about fertility and food:
- Certain nutrients play a vital role in the reproductive system – and what we eat is an important way to get those nutrients.
- A lack of some nutrients is connected to a higher risk of miscarriage and birth defects. A healthy pregnancy begins with a healthy diet before you conceive.
- According to some research, people who eat (or don’t eat) certain foods tend to have fewer fertility problems.
- A healthy weight is key to having a healthy reproductive system. Both being under or over weight can lower fertility.
- Obesity is a cause of preventable infertility. Studies have found that losing weight can restart ovulation in some obese anovulatory women, enabling them to conceive without fertility treatment.
- Eating a well-balanced diet, made up of nutrient rich food, is good for your overall health.
With that in mind, here are 15 foods that may boost your fertility, plus tips on how to get more of them in your diet!
Some disclaimers:
- Eating nutrient rich foods is usually safer than concentrated supplements. The exception to this is with folic acid -- most doctors recommend taking a folic acid supplement when you’re trying to conceive. Ask your doctor before starting any kind of supplement.
- Foods are not always harmless. For example, grapefruit juice can be dangerous to drink if you’re taking certain medications. Pomegranate juice may lead to problems with blood clotting. Always talk to your doctor if you’re in doubt.
- Calories still count, even from fertility superfoods. Fertility friendly don’t always mean waistline friendly. The calories in fertility friendly foods still count, and considering that maintaining a healthy weight is essential to healthy fertility (this is backed up in research so much more so than any “fertility food” claims), watch your portion sizes and overall calorie intake.
- As always, talk to your doctor before making major changes in your diet.
Now, onto the fertility foods!
Sunflower Seeds and Sunflower Seed Butter for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Sunflower seed kernels, roasted without salt
Not into sunflower seeds? Consider some sunflower seed butter!
Why It May Boost Fertility
Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E.
Supplementation with vitamin E has been shown to boost male fertility. Specifically, it’s been shown to boost sperm motility, improve sperm counts, and improve DNA fragmentation.
Sunflowers are also a great source of many other fertility friendly nutrients.
One ounce will give you:
- 49% of the recommended daily value of vitamin E
- 16% of your daily folate needs
- 31% of your daily recommended value of selenium
- 10% of your daily recommended value of zinc
Sunflower seeds are also a good source of the fatty acids omega 3 and 6.
How to Get More in Your Diet
Here are some ways to eat more sunflower seeds:
- Sprinkle sunflower seeds on your salad instead of croutons.
- Try using sunflower seed butter instead of peanut butter. Sunbutter is a popular brand.
- Put 2 TBS of sunflower seed butter into a smoothie as a source of protein.
- How to Get More Nuts into Your Diet
- Eastern European Sunflower Rye Bread Recipe
Fresh Grapefruit and Orange Juice for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Freshly squeezed grapefruit juice and orange juice
Why It May Boost Fertility
Grapefruit juice and orange juice are very high in the polyamine putrescine, which may improve semen health.
Putrescine may also improve egg health.
In one study, when older female rats were given water rich in putrescine in the time just before and up to ovulation, the rate of chromosomal defects in the ovulated eggs decreased by more than 50%...
It may be that putrescine helps both egg and sperm cells maintain their chromosomal integrity.
Another possible benefit to drinking grapefruit or orange juice is the boost in vitamin C. Some research has found that low vitamin C levels can negatively affect female hormonal balance.
How to Get More in Your Diet
Caution: Grapefruit juice is known to increase the effects of some medications, in some cases to dangerous levels.
If you’re taking any kind of medication, speak to your doctor about whether grapefruit juice is safe for you.
Recipes you might try:
- Orange, Banana, Strawberry & Yogurt Smoothie
- Raw Vegan Grapefruit, Avocado and Fennel Salad
- How to Make Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice
- 10 Great Electric Fruit Juicers
Eat Mature Cheeses for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Mature cheeses, like mature cheddar, parmesan and manchego
Why It May Boost Fertility
Mature cheese are high in polymines. Polymines are proteins found in plant and animal products. They are also naturally occurring in humans.
Research has found that polymines may play an important role in the reproductive system.
Mature cheese is specifically high in the polymine putrescine, which may play a role in sperm health.
Putrescine is also suspected of improving egg health, especially in women 35 and older.
How to Get More in Your Diet
Be careful with portion control when adding cheese to your diet! A small amount packs in a lot of calories and saturated fat.
So enjoy... just within reason.
Possible recipes to consider:
- Gluten-Free Wild Rice Side Dish
- Broccoli Quiche Recipe (replace the margarine with olive oil for a more fertility friendly dish)
- How to Make a Healthy Salad (include tip on using cheddar cheese wisely)
Full Fat Yogurt and Ice Cream for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Full fat dairy products, like whole milk, full fat yogurt, ice cream, cream cheese, and other cheese
Why It May Boost Fertility
A Harvard study found that women who ate full fat dairy products were less likely to experience ovulation problems than women who ate primarily low fat dairy products.
In this study, low fat dairy products included skim or low fat milk, sherbet, yogurt, and cottage cheese.
Full fat products included whole milk, ice cream, cream cheese, and other cheese.
How to Get More in Your Diet
The easiest way to get a serving a full fat dairy into your diet is to switch to whole milk instead of low fat milk. (Easy only if you already have milk in your morning tea or cereal.)
Or, if you’re a yogurt kind of gal, switch to full fat yogurt instead of the low fat varieties.
An occasional serving of full fat ice cream can make a nice treat, just be sure to take into account the extra calories in your diet. If you’re going for ice cream, limit yourself to one to two servings per week.
Remember that being overweight can negatively affect fertility, so you don’t want to overdo it here.
Recipes you might try:
Eat More Cow Liver for a Fertility Boost
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Liver, most especially from cow. Other organ meats may have similar health benefits.
Why It May Boost Fertility
Cow liver is high in many nutrients that are vital to reproductive health.
One serving of cow liver (68 grams) contains:
- 431% of the daily value of vitamin A
- 800% of the recommended value of vitamin B12
- 137% of your daily value of riboflavin, another important B vitamin
- 43% of your daily value of folate (the naturally occurring form of folic acid)
- 35% of your daily value of selenium
- 290 mg of choline (Choline may reduce the risk of birth defects.)
- 24% of your daily value of zinc, a mineral important for semen health
- Naturally high in coenzyme Q10, which may boost egg quality and sperm motility
How to Get More in Your Diet
Here are some recipes to try:
- Moroccan Fried Liver and Onions Recipe
- Easy Make-Ahead Gluten-Free Liver Pate
- Crockpot Liver and Tomatoes
Cooked Tomatoes for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Cooked tomatoes, like you might have in tomato sauce or tomato soup
Why It May Boost Fertility
Cooked tomatoes are high in the nutrient lycopene, a powerful antioxidant.
Lycopene has been extensively studied for its potential role in improving male fertility. Lycopene supplementation has even been researched as a possible treatment for male infertility.
One study found that supplementation of 4 to 8 mg of lycopene per day for 8 to 12 months led to improved semen health and increased pregnancy rates.
How to Get More in Your Diet
While both raw and cooked tomatoes contain lycopene, one cup of cooked tomatoes contains almost twice as much lycopene as one cup of raw tomatoes.
So when you can, opt for the cooked tomato recipes. But tomatoes in any form are still good for you!
Here are some recipes to try:
Lentils and Beans for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Lentils and beans, all kinds of beans but especially black beans
Why It May Boost Fertility
Beans and lentils are a good source of protein, and research has found that women who get more of their protein from plant based sources instead of animal sources are less likely to experience ovulation problems.
Lentils contain high levels of the polyamine spermidine, which may help sperm fertilize the egg.
Interestingly, research has found that spermidine levels are markedly lower in the seminal ejaculate of men experiencing low sperm counts, when compared to men with healthier semen.
Lentils and beans are also a good source of folate, a very important nutrient for conception and healthy embryos.
Beans and lentils are also a good source of fiber. Getting enough fiber in your diet is key to healthy hormonal balance.
How to Get More in Your Diet
Consider replacing one or two meat meals with lentil or bean based meals. You can also try throwing some beans into your salad instead of cheese or meat.
Here are some recipes to try:
- Vegetarian Black Bean Chili Recipe
- Quick and Easy Black Bean Soup
- Black Bean Burger Recipe
- Vegan Lentil Soup
Asparagus for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Cooked asparagus
Why It May Boost Fertility
Asparagus is a nutrient packed superfood. It’s low calorie, will fill you up, and gives you a boost of fertility vital nutrients.
One cup of boiled asparagus will get you:
- Just over 60% of your daily value of folate
- Your full daily value of vitamin K
- 8% of your daily zinc and 16% of your daily recommended amount of selenium, both important for male fertility
- Over 20% of other essential nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin C, and the B vitamin thiamin.
How to Get More in Your Diet
Avoid canned asparagus that is full of salt. Reach for fresh or frozen. If you want to go canned, look for low sodium options.
Recipes to try:
- Roasted Asparagus
- How to Get Started with Asparagus (Lots of recipes listed!)
- How to Choose, Store, Prepare and Cook Asparagus (More recipes and ideas!)
Pomegranate for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Why It May Boost Fertility
Oysters appear on just about every fertility food list, and for good reason. They are packed with fertility boosting nutrients!
A serving size of 6 raw oysters contains only 139 calories, but all these important reproductive vitamins and minerals:
- 43% of your daily iron
- 408% of your daily recommended value of vitamin B-12
- 187% of the recommended daily value of selenium
- 188% of your daily zinc
How to Get More in Your Diet
Many people feel intimidated by oyster preparation, but you don’t have to be. You can prepare and serve this dish at home.
The healthiest option is raw, but not everyone can stomach the idea of raw oysters.
- Oyster Preparation and Cooking Tips
- How to Shuck Oysters
- Drago's Charbroiled Oysters Recipe (Lots of butter, certainly not a dish to have regularly!)
Walnuts for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Pomegranate seeds and juice, most especially the juice
Why It May Boost Fertility
Pomegranates have long been associated with fertility and birth due to their many seeds. This is not a scientific reason to indulge in pomegranates, but still an interesting one!
As for science, pomegranate is high in antioxidants, which may boost male fertility.
Most research on pomegranates and fertility has taken place in rats.
Studies have found that pomegranate juice and pomegranate extract may improve sperm concentration and motility after several weeks.
One study has looked at the effect in humans.
Seventy adult men who didn’t have healthy enough sperm to donate to a sperm bank – but were not suffering from low sperm count – took tablets containing pomegranate fruit extract and powder of Galanga Root.
After three months of treatment, sperm motility improved by 60%.
How to Get More in Your Diet
Eggs for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Why It May Boost Fertility
Healthy fats are an important part of overall health but also healthy reproductive health.
Walnuts are rich in omega-3’s and omega-6’s, and this is part of what led researchers to consider whether they might boost fertility.
In this small but interesting study, 117 men were randomly assigned to one of two groups. In the control group, men were told to continue their normal diet but avoid all tree nuts.
In the experimental group, the men were told to continue with their normal diets but also eat a premeasured package of walnuts each day.
Each package contained 75 grams of whole shelled walnuts. That’s about a half a cup.
The walnut-eating men experienced improvements in semen health. In particular, sperm vitality, motility, and morphology improved.
How to Get More in Your Diet
Consider replacing your afternoon snack with a serving of walnuts!
Or, give these recipes a try:
Pineapple for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Eggs, most especially the yolk
Why It May Boost Fertility
Eggs are a good source of B-vitamins, which are important for fertility.
Omega-3 fats are important for fertility as well, and you can get a boost from the omega-enriched eggs. They cost a little extra but are well worth it if you don’t eat much fish.
Another good reason to eat eggs: they are an inexpensive source of lean protein, which has also been found to be good for fertility in men and women.
Eggs contain choline, and some research indicates choline may reduce the risk of some birth defects. Other studies have not found this.
How to Get More in Your Diet
Many dieting experts recommend throwing out the yellow and eating just the whites of the egg. Don’t do that!
When you’re trying to boost fertility, you want the nutrients contained in the yellow. If you’re trying to lose weight, just cut back on calories somewhere else in your day.
Recipes to consider trying:
Salmon for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Why It May Boost Fertility
There’s a very common belief that eating pineapple core for 5 days following ovulation or embryo transfer (during IVF) will help with implantation.
But there’s absolutely no science to back this practice that up.
With that said, there are other good reasons to enjoy pineapple when you’re trying to conceive.
For one, it’s a good source of vitamin-C.
One cup will give you 46% of your daily-recommended value. Low vitamin-C levels have been associated with PCOS.
Vitamin-C may also help boost male fertility. One study found that supplementation with vitamin-C helped boost sperm quality in heavy smokers.
(Though if you’re smoking, a much better plan to boost your fertility is to quit smoking. Sometimes the obvious just has to be said...)
Pineapples contain bromelain, a natural enzyme that may have an anti-inflammatory effect. But there’s currently no research to suggest this can improve fertility.
How to Get More in Your Diet
Pineapple is a low calorie fruit that can satisfy your sweet tooth in a much healthier way than candy can. So why not enjoy?
- How to Choose and Cut Open a Pineapple
- Raw Food Pineapple Green Smoothie
- Pineapple Walnut Salad
- Cucumber-Pineapple Salad with Red Pepper and Peanuts
Cinnamon for Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Wild-caught salmon – yes, wild caught, not farmed
It is worth spending the extra money for the healthiest variety!
Why It May Boost Fertility
Salmon is on just about every superfood list – fertility focused or not. We all need more fish in your diets, and wild-caught salmon is pretty much a perfect pick.
You need to be careful about mercury contamination in fish when you’re trying to conceive and once you get pregnant.
But wild-caught salmon is on the low end when it comes to toxins.
Salmon is rich in essential fatty acids and omega-3s, which has been shown to be beneficial to fertility in men and women.
It’s also a must have nutrient during pregnancy for healthy fetal growth. So you might as well add it to your menu now, you’ll be eating it for a while!
Other important reproductive nutrients found in salmon are vitamin-D and selenium. Selenium has been shown to be important for semen healthy, and low vitamin-D levels seem to be associated with poor fertility in men and women.
In fact, salmon is one of the very best food sources of vitamin-D. Just three ounces of smoked salmon will give you 97% of the daily-recommended value for vitamin-D.
How to Get More in Your Diet
There are so many yummy and healthy ways to prepare salmon. Aim to make fish a regular part of your weekly meal plans.
- 11 Ways to Cook and Prepare Salmon
- 5 Ingredient Salmon Recipes
- Top 10 Grilled Salmon Recipes
- Easy Grilled Salmon with Pomegranate Vinaigrette Recipe
More Ways to Boost Fertility
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
What’s the Fertility Food?
Cinnamon, the spice
Why It May Boost Fertility
Insulin resistance is associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a common cause of infertility in women.
Cinnamon supplementation has been shown in a number of studied to improve a variety of health factors in those with diabetes. In one randomized controlled clinical trial, cinnamon was found to reduce glucose levels, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol (that’s the “bad” kind), and total cholesterol in patients with diabetes.
This led to researchers wondering if cinnamon could be good for fertility.
In a small but interesting study, 45 women with PCOS were either told to take a cinnamon supplement or a placebo for six months.
The women who got the cinnamon showed improved ovulation and menstrual regularity, while those who got the placebo showed no improvements.
How to Get More in Your Diet
Sprinkle cinnamon on your morning oatmeal, on top of your yogurt, or into your tea or coffee.
Here are some recipes to try:
Written or medically reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Policy.
Updated February 09, 2015.
Like this article?Here are more ways to improve your health and boost fertility!
- 5 Diets That May Boost Your Fertility
- 5 Thoughts That Keep You From Making Happier, Healthier Choices
- 7 Things You Should Know When You're Trying to Conceive After 35
- 12 Resolutions You Should Make if You're Trying to Get Pregnant
- Mind-Body Therapies for Fertility
- 8 Bad Habits You Should Break When You're TTC
- 10 Tips to Boost Male Fertility
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