Sewing Ideas for Hope Chests
- Sew matching pairs of pillowcases from quality cotton fabric, then hand-embroider using your own designs. Embroidery can add a sweet vintage touch to hand-sewn hope chest goods, but any image or pattern can be embroidered. Stitch pretty blossoms, cartoon characters or favorite book or movie quotes onto completed pillowcases to perfectly suit your personality. Purchase a set of sheets and stitch on a matching fabric border and you have a complete set of custom bed linens ready for the hope chest.
- Create a bed-sized or wall quilt for the hope chest. Use favorite or classic colors and a simple block pattern to make an heirloom that can be passed on to the next generation. While hope chests are primarily meant to store goods for a couple's first home, it is not too early to include a baby quilt or two for the next generation as well.
- Towels, dishcloths and sewn scrubbies all work well for the bride's future kitchen. Stash these in the hopechest as completed; they make excellent scrap projects. Make sets of fabric napkins and placemats as well. Cloth napkins can be made from any washable cotton fabric and last forever, given the proper care. They are also a great idea for a "green" eco-friendly hope chest craft.
- Some of the most common and popular hope chest sewing projects are made for the bride to carry or wear on her wedding day. Stitch a fancy garter or linen handkerchief, sew a ring bearer's pillow or a reticule for the bride to carry on her big day. Sewn items can be made for the groom as well, and stashed in the hope chest until needed.
Bed Linens
Kitchen Goods
Bridal Projects