How to Make a Paper Balloon
- 1). Make your paper paste. Add 1 part flour to 5 parts water and mix well. Boil the mixture for about 3 minutes, mixing as you go along. Add 3 tsp of salt and let it cool.
- 2). Tear up old newspaper and wrapping paper into strips.
- 3). Blow up a balloon and tie it off. Tie your string or ribbon around the knot. If you want to hang your balloon when you're finished, then tape a loop of string to the top of the balloon.
- 4). Dip your newspaper into the cooled paste mixture and put it on the balloon. Start at the top and place the paper over the tape holding on your loop but don't cover the loop. Put enough paper to cover the entire balloon. Make sure you don't get your string or ribbon caught. Paper over the knot, but let the ribbon hang down. Repeat with a second coat and let it dry for several hours. If it is winter and the heat is on, it will dry faster. If it is humid, it may have to sit overnight to dry.
- 5). Apply your third coat with the wrapping paper. It's thinner and will make a smoother finish. Once you have coated the whole balloon, check to see if it is strong. If it isn't, you can apply a forth coat, but no more. Again, let the paper dry overnight.
- 6). Paint your balloon. Be creative: add a message or paint on some flowers.