Black Hair Styles for Little Girls
- Braids are stylish and practical enough to be maintained through hours of play.long hair image by Bettina Baumgartner from
For parents or caretakers of little girls, hairstyling can be a difficult endeavor. Because afro-textured hair is typically kinky and delicate, tends to tangle, and sometimes breaks, it can bring its own challenges for the inexperienced. Fortunately, there are popular black hairstyle options that combine form and function while reducing hair breakage and tangling. - Cornrowing is a braiding technique that has a long history in Africa, possibly dating as far back as 500 B.C. Today, cornrow-style braids are found throughout the world. Afro-textured hair is particularly conducive to the cornrowing technique, which involves parting and then tightly braiding hair closely to the scalp and is similar to French braiding. It is important that the braids not be too tight because excess tension on the hairline leads to traction alopecia, a hair-loss condition caused by damage to the hair follicle and dermal papilla. Cornrow styles can be maintained for little girls for at least a week.
- Individual braids or plaits are another option for little girls. For this style, the hair is carefully parted into two or more sections and then braided. For added flair, braids can be adorned with ribbons or barrettes. Conversely, rubber bands may tangle or pull hair, leading to breakage. Typically, individual braid styles of 2-6 braids do not last as long as cornrows, but they are much quicker to complete and undo, taking 30 minutes on average. Styles involving 20 or more braids typically last longer.
- The afro puff is a quick style that is suited for busy parents short on time because it relies on the naturally kinky texture of most black hair. To achieve this style, wash and moisturize the child's hair. "Banding" the hair while wet, or placing several ponytail holders along the length of the hair, prevents it from curling up on itself, thus allowing hair to retain its length once dry. To complete the puff, gently gather dry or slightly damp hair up into a ponytail or clip with a brush, taking care that the ponytail is not too tight and to not brush the hair too hard. For curly ponytails, hair can be braided while wet to lock in a curl pattern and then unbraided when dried before being pulled into the ponytail.
- Because of the delicate nature of most afro-textured hair, straight styles for little black girls are best when kept to a minimum. Heat-created styles such as pressing and flat-ironing are popular but can cause breakage and permanent damage to natural hair textures if used frequently or at excessive temperatures. Because contact with water causes black hair to revert to its natural texture, these styles are also impractical in humid climates and for water-based activities such as swimming. Relaxing, a chemical straightening process, is not recommended for little girls because of the harsh chemicals it involves, including sodium hydroxide, an ingredient regularly found in household cleaners.
Individual Braids and Plats
Puffs and Ponytails
Straight Hair