How to Make a Personalized Voicemail Message In Google Voice
- 1). Sign in to your Google Voice account using your Google ID and password.
- 2). Click on the drop-down arrow next to the "Settings" button at the top right corner of your Google Voice Inbox page. Click on "Voice Settings."
- 3). Click on the "Voicemail & Text" tab.
- 4). Choose the type of greeting you wish to record from the drop-down arrow next to the "My Greeting" button. The drop-down menu will include a choice for "Standard" greeting and each of your named "Groups."
- 5). Click on the "Record Now" button. Choose which phone you would like Google to ring to record your greeting from the drop-down menu. Click on the "Connect" button.
- 6). Answer your phone and wait for the beep. Begin your recording. Push the # button on your phone to end the recording. Follow the prompts to accept your message.
- 7). Click on the X at the top right corner of the "Record Greeting" pop-up screen. Press the "Play" button to review your recording. Click on the "Save Changes" button.