The Parable Of The Weeds
One day, a man went to his field and planted wheat seeds then went back home. When people slept, his enemy came and planted tares among the wheat seeds. When the plants were sprung up and brought forth fruit, the weeds were also noticed. The workers of the man asked him what they shall do but the man asked them to leave everything as it is. When harvest time came, they would first gather the weeds and burn them then the good harvest will be gathered up later to be stored in his barn.
This parable of the weeds likens the kingdom of God with a farmer. The sower is the Son of God and the good seeds are the kingdom of God's children. The weeds are the children of the wicked one. These two will grow up together until the day of judgment when the evil ones will be gathered up and thrown into the eternal lake of fire. The Kingdom children will forever enjoy happiness with their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Today, the choice is in your hands. Which part of the Kingdom do you want to be in. The parable of the weeds shows us that we cannot separate the good and bad of this world at now but we have a choice of which side we want to be in. As you reflect on your life, think if you would want to spend eternity happy and rejoicing or you want to burn in hell's fiery furnace for an eternity too. Mathew 13:24-30, 36-43.
This parable of the weeds likens the kingdom of God with a farmer. The sower is the Son of God and the good seeds are the kingdom of God's children. The weeds are the children of the wicked one. These two will grow up together until the day of judgment when the evil ones will be gathered up and thrown into the eternal lake of fire. The Kingdom children will forever enjoy happiness with their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Today, the choice is in your hands. Which part of the Kingdom do you want to be in. The parable of the weeds shows us that we cannot separate the good and bad of this world at now but we have a choice of which side we want to be in. As you reflect on your life, think if you would want to spend eternity happy and rejoicing or you want to burn in hell's fiery furnace for an eternity too. Mathew 13:24-30, 36-43.