How to Enable the WordPress Object Cache
- 1). Open the "Plugins" section of your WordPress website's dashboard, and click "Add New."
- 2). Type "WP Super Cache," and then click "Search Plugins."
- 3). Click "Install Now" under "WP Super Cache" on the results page, and then click "OK" and "Activate Plugin."
- 4). Open the "Settings" section of the dashboard, and click "WP Super Cache."
- 5). Click the "Easy" tab at the top of the page.
- 6). Click the "Caching On" radio button to enable the persistent object cache.
- 7). Click "Update Status" to save your settings.
- 8). Click "Test Cache" to confirm your server is now caching pages. If the test succeeds, the message at the bottom of the window should state "the timestamps on both pages match."