How to Get Through Tortuga in "Epic Mickey"
- 1). Leap across the boats in the lake of thinner to get to the small hut on the other side. Be careful as you go, for the lake will rise and fall.
- 2). Use thinner on the front part of the building to the right of where you emerge from the lake. Billy's loot bag will be part of the wall. Give the bag to Billy, who will say it is missing some loot. Take the clock sketch he offers you, which will help you travel across platforms.
- 3). Use Mickey's brush to paint the bridges past Billy. Cross the bridges to get to the walkway that leads to the jail.
- 4). Head to the right at the jail to find a row of painted doors. Thin the furthest door to the right to let out a gremlin, who will shut down the spatter flowing into the area as a reward.
- 5). Go back to the jail entrance and thin out the border around the door on the walkway. It will fall down so you can go inside.
- 6). Talk to the first of three pirates. He will agree to reveal where Billy's loot is if you set him free from jail. Go up to the roof of the jailhouse.
- 7). Go back to the roof and use thinner on the chimney to reveal the first key. Go the back end of the jailhouse area to a thinnable part of the building. Use paint thinner to get the second key. Go back to the high walkway and thin the bridge leading up to it. The third key is in a small alcove next to the waterwheel.
- 8). Free the pirates, who will each give you information about the rest of the mission. The first pirate will say the loot is at the bottom of a walkway that was formerly blocked off by a gate. The second will open the entrance to the well outside the jailhouse, and the third says you need to paint in three lamps around the area to unveil part of an old ride.
- 9). Leave the jail and thin the second door on the right to reveal a new walkway. Defeat the Splatters below the walkway. Turn four gears next to the pillars that descend, then quickly spin the two pillars close to the room's exit.
- 10
Use the clock sketch to slow time, then spin and extend the other two pillars. Billy's loot will appear once all four pillars are extended. Go back up the walkway to the well, leap on the lid, and lower yourself to the lake of thinner. - 11
Spin the gear on the wall to bring two platforms out in the lake. When the thinner is at a low point, jump across the platforms to a thinned-out treasure chest. - 12
Paint the treasure chest in to receive a bronze pin. - 13
Go up the upper walkway again. Paint in the first lamp by the jailhouse, then the second lamp close to the water wheel. - 14
Revisit the back end of the area. Go the top of the building and paint in the third lamp, which is hanging from the east side. Two platforms will rise from the lake of thinner when the third lamp is complete. Get a second bronze pin from a treasure chest on one platform. Go back to Beluga Billy and give him his loot. He will direct you toward the newly revealed exit out Tortuga.