Letter to the Attorney General
Dear Attorney General
I am writing you to share my experience with our legal system.
My wife, her company, the purchasers of her company, myself, and my company, were sued by a vendor of my wife's company. Every attorney we hired and paid told us we did nothing wrong.
After taking over control of a failing company, my wife spent $100,000s of our own money and years of her labor trying to save the company in hopes of getting all creditors paid, keeping 100 employees employed, and turning a profit. We were successful in most aspects as the business was sold. Most creditors were repaid and many jobs were saved, though no profit was realized.
After the sale of the company we were bombarded with lawsuits and my wife had to file bankruptcy. All claims were dropped, however we found ourselves again in court. A sales rep (whom my wife partially paid with money earned by me) continued to litigate against everyone they could possibly name.
After paying $10,000's more dollars to defend ourselves and suffering through redundant depositions we caved to the pressure, and paid them off. The original claim of $19,000 was ballooned to $150,000. Surely our justice system was not created with the purpose of allowing the most tenacious lawyers with nothing legitimate to do with their time, who have no cost to file suits, to harass and scare people into settling and giving them money. As the judge who mitigated the suit (Retired judge Greenberg) said € this has nothing to do with right and wrong or justice this is about how much pain you are willing to endure.€
This experience has left me very discouraged. I question why I should continue to work 60 hours a week growing my business to employ more people, when it exposes me to this type of harassment.
Surely there must be a solution to this misuse of our justice system. The amount of time and energy I have spent defending myself is exhausting and takes away from what I do best- providing jobs and services. The following is a complaint I have filed with The Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility.
The law firm accountable for these actions is
Attorney and Counselor at Law
D. Clay Taylor, P.A.
1221 Nicollet Mall
Suite 212
Minneapolis, MN 55403
phone 612-904-7376
fax 612-904-7377
During a deposition regarding a lawsuit Mr. friction and his firm filed against (myself/ my business/my wife/her business/the purchasers of her business), he displayed several pictures to me. It was very clear that the pictures were taken while standing inside a fenced area of my property. The pictures were of my equipment and assets stored at a fenced and posted property. He began questioning me of the value and loan rates of my equipment. I believe his intention was to either prove I had valuable assets which could be sold to pay his claim or to provoke a violent response by me (which very nearly occurred), to give him bases for another lawsuit. When I asked who clearly trespassed on my property and when the pictures were taken, he replied that himself and his wife took them, admitting to the trespassing. This admission is in the reporters' documentation of the deposition, and can be verified by my attorney.
This is clearly harassment and a violation of my property rights, with the intention of intimidating and scaring me into a monetary settlement ( Which he was successful of).
I have never felt so violated and cannot believe attorney's who have the privilege of working in the field of law can use such tactics to intimidate, scare, and distress innocent citizens without regards to the law.
I believe he violated rule 4.4, 8.4 as well as his € duty to protect clients interest, within bounds of law, while maintaining professional, courteous, and civil attitude towards all persons involved in legal system.€
I have settled the suit. The stress, and anxiety caused by Mr. Frictons actions have affected my health, my wifes' and my ability to be productive in our work, and caused irreversible damage to our marriage. I chose to €pay them off€ in an attempt to end the pain and suffering we have incurred.
Surely it is a violation of ethics and code of conduct to violate private property and break trespassing laws in an effort to intimidate. This action brought no evidence to the case. It was nothing more than a scare tactic.
I am unable to pursue this matter in a court of law as the settlement protects Mr. Fricton, and Mr. Taylor.
I am reporting his conduct in hopes of protecting other Minnesotans from their tactics and harassment.
I am writing you to share my experience with our legal system.
My wife, her company, the purchasers of her company, myself, and my company, were sued by a vendor of my wife's company. Every attorney we hired and paid told us we did nothing wrong.
After taking over control of a failing company, my wife spent $100,000s of our own money and years of her labor trying to save the company in hopes of getting all creditors paid, keeping 100 employees employed, and turning a profit. We were successful in most aspects as the business was sold. Most creditors were repaid and many jobs were saved, though no profit was realized.
After the sale of the company we were bombarded with lawsuits and my wife had to file bankruptcy. All claims were dropped, however we found ourselves again in court. A sales rep (whom my wife partially paid with money earned by me) continued to litigate against everyone they could possibly name.
After paying $10,000's more dollars to defend ourselves and suffering through redundant depositions we caved to the pressure, and paid them off. The original claim of $19,000 was ballooned to $150,000. Surely our justice system was not created with the purpose of allowing the most tenacious lawyers with nothing legitimate to do with their time, who have no cost to file suits, to harass and scare people into settling and giving them money. As the judge who mitigated the suit (Retired judge Greenberg) said € this has nothing to do with right and wrong or justice this is about how much pain you are willing to endure.€
This experience has left me very discouraged. I question why I should continue to work 60 hours a week growing my business to employ more people, when it exposes me to this type of harassment.
Surely there must be a solution to this misuse of our justice system. The amount of time and energy I have spent defending myself is exhausting and takes away from what I do best- providing jobs and services. The following is a complaint I have filed with The Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility.
The law firm accountable for these actions is
Attorney and Counselor at Law
D. Clay Taylor, P.A.
1221 Nicollet Mall
Suite 212
Minneapolis, MN 55403
phone 612-904-7376
fax 612-904-7377
During a deposition regarding a lawsuit Mr. friction and his firm filed against (myself/ my business/my wife/her business/the purchasers of her business), he displayed several pictures to me. It was very clear that the pictures were taken while standing inside a fenced area of my property. The pictures were of my equipment and assets stored at a fenced and posted property. He began questioning me of the value and loan rates of my equipment. I believe his intention was to either prove I had valuable assets which could be sold to pay his claim or to provoke a violent response by me (which very nearly occurred), to give him bases for another lawsuit. When I asked who clearly trespassed on my property and when the pictures were taken, he replied that himself and his wife took them, admitting to the trespassing. This admission is in the reporters' documentation of the deposition, and can be verified by my attorney.
This is clearly harassment and a violation of my property rights, with the intention of intimidating and scaring me into a monetary settlement ( Which he was successful of).
I have never felt so violated and cannot believe attorney's who have the privilege of working in the field of law can use such tactics to intimidate, scare, and distress innocent citizens without regards to the law.
I believe he violated rule 4.4, 8.4 as well as his € duty to protect clients interest, within bounds of law, while maintaining professional, courteous, and civil attitude towards all persons involved in legal system.€
I have settled the suit. The stress, and anxiety caused by Mr. Frictons actions have affected my health, my wifes' and my ability to be productive in our work, and caused irreversible damage to our marriage. I chose to €pay them off€ in an attempt to end the pain and suffering we have incurred.
Surely it is a violation of ethics and code of conduct to violate private property and break trespassing laws in an effort to intimidate. This action brought no evidence to the case. It was nothing more than a scare tactic.
I am unable to pursue this matter in a court of law as the settlement protects Mr. Fricton, and Mr. Taylor.
I am reporting his conduct in hopes of protecting other Minnesotans from their tactics and harassment.