Square Dance Clubs in the Bay Area, California
- Square dancing came to the U.S. in the 1600s and 1700s with British and French settlers who brought with them dancing styles from their homelands. These dances, such as the Quadrille, were performed in squares and are the forerunners to modern square dancing in the U. S. In its basic form, four couples dance together in a square and an announcer calls out what steps they should make next. A great way to learn how to square dance is to join a club. There are several square dance clubs in the San Francisco Bay area.
- Caper Cutters Square Dance Club, founded in 1950, meets weekly for square and round dancing. There are dance classes at the weekly meetings. Basic steps and formations involved in square dancing are taught as dancers learn to move with the music and the caller's instructions. Someone designated as a caller will announce each movement before it's done. As dancers improve they will learn Mainstream square dancing which involves 68 different calls, and Plus Level which involves 30 calls. Visitors are welcome to watch, free of charge, or they can dance. Your first three lessons are free and it is $5 per class after that if you aren't a member of the club. To become a member of Caper Cutters you need to know how to square dance. Dues are $45 per quarter.
Caper Cutters Square Dance Club
St. Paul's Presbyterian Church Hall
1399 43rd Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94122
(415) 564-8481
sfsquaredancing.org - Midnight Squares has been around since 1982 and was started to help dancers who had trouble learning basic calls for square dance movements. Members no longer have difficulty in that area and many dance at advanced levels. Midnight Squares meet two or three times weekly for dance classes or sessions. Dances are held at three area locations: Studio 204, Harvey Milk Recreational Arts Center and Ebenezer Lutheran Church.Those interested in learning more about Midnight Squares should contact the club through email. The club is a member of the International Association of Gay Square Dance Clubs (IAGSDC) and many of its members are also part of the Gay Callers Association (GCA).
San Francisco Midnight Squares
P.O. Box 14483
San Francisco, CA 94114
iagsdc.org/midnightsquares - Roadrunners Square Dance Club in San Mateo was started in 1968. The club meets every Tuesday night at the Beresford Recreation Center. According to the club's website, members are fun and lively people who enjoy being, and dancing, together. While it can be fun, Roadrunners website points out some health benefits of square dancing such as helping dancers get in better physical shape. For more information about Roadrunners Square Dance Club, contact them via email.
Roadrunners Square Dance Club
Beresford Recreation Center
2720 Alameda de Las Pulgas
San Mateo, CA 94403
Caper Cutters Square Dance Club
San Francisco Midnight Squares
Roadrunners Square Dance Club